Briar's Cowboys
coat into Ram’s arms.
    “I, uh…I think I’ll start that coffee now. I’ll see you inside later.” And with that, Briar pivoted away and dashed across the snowy gravel to the house.

    Chapter Two
    Briar’s insides tumbled as wildly as the acrobats she’d once seen at a Barnum and Bailey circus. Her heart raced as she recalled the intent gazes of the two men in the barn. The touch of Ram’s hand… And when she’d interrupted them—
    She sighed in wonder, her belly clenching as arousal gripped her. Deep down, she understood her fascination and lack of shock. She’d indeed grown up with this sort of thing around her. When she’d gone away, nothing had seemed right. Dating just one man hadn’t seemed…enough. She wanted more. She wanted to feel two bodies pressing to her, many hands touching her skin as they brought her the intense pleasure of sense-stealing orgasm. In Chicago, she’d thought of the desire as some strange predilection in which she shouldn’t indulge. No one would understand it. No man would be able to fulfill her urge for ménage sex.
    Even she hadn’t understood. The second she’d stepped into the barn, clear, unabashed knowledge had emerged as fully as if a veil had lifted and revealed all. She’d been raised around this lifestyle. She’d always known she’d be in a ménage; it was what her mother had been so afraid of.
    Watching the men kiss had taken her breath away. Both were so muscular and solid. Manly. Seeing such masculine guys together like that… Hell, it had been freaking hot! It had also stunned her, because she hadn’t guessed Jax was gay. Well, he wasn’t, was he? He was bi-sexual. And so was his friend Ram. Dark, serious, intense Ram. Her pussy had gotten wet under their blatant regard. She’d been naked to those stares though fully clothed. It was as if they saw every intimate bit of her. Those hot eyes had stroked her, and her legs had wobbled.
    From their intent gazes, she’d known to get out of there or else find herself pressed between the two cowboys, sharing kisses and much more. Despite the cold, she would have let them take her to the hard floor and have their way.
    A tremble worked through her as she considered the possibility.
    Dear lord! She’d just met them today—well, not Jax, but close enough. She didn’t know them, and somehow, that just tantalized her more. The very idea of being with more than one man at a time triggered fiery arousal within her, as she considered an act in which she’d never before indulged. Being with those two rugged cowboys would have been the culmination of many dreams of faceless men fucking her.
    She’d fantasized about it enough times while alone in her bed in the dark, her hands wandering over herself. She needed to know what it really felt like to have more than one hot, male body pressed to her, more than one steely length filling her.
    She bit her lip, sinking her teeth deep to draw her attention from her increasingly lurid thoughts. The guys’ interest intrigued her, but she’d just gotten back to Daly. No matter how much she wanted it, starting any sort of relationship, one-night or otherwise, would be foolhardy. The two in the barn had given her more fodder for daydreams, but that was all she dared let it be.
    Why? the petulant girl inside her protested. Why? Because she was a grown-up who didn’t do things like this.
    “You are a grown-up,” she muttered as she opened the canister of coffee. “You’re allowed to do grown-up things—very grown-up.” She sighed. “If they want you, why the hell not? You’re free. They’re free.”
    Her mom could have a cow out there in the afterlife, and Briar wouldn’t know about it, she reasoned. She, Jax and Ram wouldn’t be hurting anyone.
    Briar’s sigh was loud in the quiet kitchen just before she set the coffeemaker to brew. It was too quiet in here. Her own thoughts were echoing through her, giving her a headache. She needed to refocus before
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