Bound to Seduction
wish-fulfillment thing, she needed to
find out more about Tariq.
    Slowly, she pushed out of her chair, then
paused in the doorway. Her bedroom sat to the left, the living room
to the right. Darkness pressed in through the windows, telling her
night had fallen while she’d been researching. A smart woman would
go to bed, sleep on this decision before acting. But every time she
thought about moving into her bedroom, she remembered Claudette’s
    Wicked pleasure, mind-numbing fantasies,
your heart’s every secret, sinful desire come true.
by the image of Tariq. Tall, broad, so very muscular. Dark and
dangerous, radiating a sexuality even Devin couldn’t compete with.
Then she heard Tariq’s deep, sexy voice when he’d said, I am yours to
command. For however long it takes until you are thoroughly
satisfied .
    Her blood warmed. Shot sparks of need
through her limbs, into her abdomen to spread rolling waves of heat
across her hips and between her thighs. She gripped the doorframe
for support.
    “ Oh
God.” She would not survive a night fantasizing about him
and that . She needed
to know more. Now .
    On unsteady legs, she made her way out into
the living room, flipped on a lamp, and sat on the edge of the
couch. Thankfully, it was Friday, and she didn’t have to go to work
tomorrow. So it didn’t matter if this “discussion” lasted awhile or
not. She didn’t have to be up early. And if the discussion turned
into something else…
    She swallowed hard at the erotic visions
taking shape in her mind. The ones not of her and Devin, as she’d
often dreamed, but of her and Tariq. Both naked and sweaty and
    Her pulse picked up speed, and she swiped a
hand over her suddenly damp forehead. Told herself to get a grip.
That wasn’t why she was calling him back. Before she could change
her mind, she brushed her fingers over the opal and held her breath
to see if he’d appear.
    A cloud of black smoke filled the center of
the room then slowly dissipated, leaving Tariq standing in the same
clothes he’d worn earlier. Only this time, those obsidian eyes,
that fall of dark hair that just brushed his shoulders, and that
insanely sharp jawline covered in scruff shot a thrill to her very
core, not fear and apprehension as it had before.
    “Mira,” he whispered, the corners of his
lush lips curling ever so slightly. “Your wish, my command.”
    Heat and
need rippled right back through her abdomen, brought a flush to her
cheeks. Every time he used the word command , she seemed to grow hotter.
    She cleared her throat. Could tell from his
waiting expression that he thought by calling him back it meant she
wanted to begin their…what? Deal? Wish? Yet she hadn’t even told
him what she wanted. And when she did…
    Her blood went white-hot when she thought of
what she wanted. And how he would work into that wish.
    On shaky legs she stood, and when he took a
step toward her, that thrill turned to excitement, but she held up
a hand to stop him—and her. “Wait. I have some questions
    His eyes narrowed in speculation. But his
expression cleared and settled before she could wonder what he was
thinking. “Ask me anything. I am yours to command.”
    Command. There was that word again. Only
this time it didn’t sound sexy as it had before. It sounded…forced.
She dropped her hand, swallowed the nerves, feeling both foolish
and a little disturbed. But this was important. She didn’t want to
be with someone—even if it was just a wish—who didn’t want to be
with her. Even if he was a super-hot genie sent to fulfill her
every desire.
    “I did some research while you were gone,”
she said. “And I believe you. What you told me…it’s crazy.” She
looked around the room, only half-believing she was saying this.
“Twenty-four hours ago, I never would have thought this was
possible, but now…everything is different.” She looked back at him.
“But before we move on to my, ah, wish, I need to
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