Bound to Seduction
creep across her cheeks. A blush that excited him
with each passing second. “I…it’s a little embarrassing.”
    “Nothing you wish for will shock me.”
Especially because he was already starting to think of all the ways
he could pleasure her. And was actually looking forward to them.
Which was a first for him. A big first.
    “This might,” she mumbled. Then, drawing in
a breath, she looked back at his face. “I want to learn
    When he opened his mouth to ask how she
wanted to be seduced, she held up a hand, stopping him. “Before you
ask, no, I’m not a virgin. I’ve had boyfriends. And I like men. I
like sex. But…”
    She hesitated. Bit her lip. Looked back down
at his shirt. And he waited because he sensed this was hard for
her. And because the way her top teeth sank into her bottom lip was
so damn sexy, he had a wicked, all-consuming urge to take a bite
out of her himself.
    “Oh, man,” she said. “This is so
embarrassing.” Then she squared her shoulders and met his eyes
again. “Okay, here’s the deal. I’m the first one in my family to go
to college. My parents were both blue-collar workers who couldn’t
afford to send me to school and worked extra jobs so I could go. I
sacrificed partying and boys in favor of studying so I could make
them proud. Then, when I graduated, I was focused on getting a job
to prove to them their sacrifices were worth it. And I did. I got a
great job. I love my job. And it was enough. Until my dad got sick
a few years ago. I found myself torn between work and helping my
mom when I could, but all the while I was starting to feel as if
something was missing. Yeah, I’ve had boyfriends, but no one
special, you know? I guess a relationship didn’t matter much to me
before, so maybe I didn’t try hard enough. Then my dad died last
year, and my mom went to live with my aunt in Idaho, and suddenly I
found myself…”
    “What?” he asked before he could stop
himself, mesmerized by her words, her voice, that she was sharing
something so personal with him.
    She looked back up at him. And there was
such regret in her eyes, he couldn’t look away, even if he’d wanted
    “Alone,” she said softly. “I’m alone.”
    His heart thumped as she closed her eyes,
shook her head. Opened them with a look of longing that speared
straight to the center of him. The same longing he felt on a daily
    “I don’t want to be alone,” she said, “but
I’ve a feeling something I’m doing consciously or subconsciously
when I meet men is sending the impression I’m not interested, even
though I am. I’m not asking you to turn me into some Playboy bunny,
I’m just asking you to help me learn how to be more…desirable. I
want to know that when I do meet that right man—if I haven’t
already—that I’m confident and skilled enough for him to want me
just as much.”
    His pulse picked up speed. Was she asking
him to…?
    “I’m assuming that, typically, you’re the
one who does the”—her cheeks turned red all over again, and she
swallowed, looking at his throat rather than his face—”pleasuring.
But if you don’t mind—and you’re up for it—I’d like to be the one
to do that. Maybe you can tell me what I’m doing right. Or wrong.
If, that is, it’s okay with you…”
    She finally met his gaze full on, and his
breath caught at the hope he saw reflected in her eyes.
    “So your wish,” he managed in a voice that
didn’t sound like his own because he was still too surprised to
think clearly, “is to…?”
    “Yeah,” she said softly. “My wish is to
pleasure you. What do you think?”

    Tariq could barely breathe.
    She wanted to
pleasure him . And she
wasn’t ordering, she was asking. For permission.
    No one had asked his permission for anything
in longer than he could remember. No one but her.
    “Well?” she asked again. “What do you
    What did
he think? He thought he had to be hallucinating. But
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