Bound by the Heart

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Book: Bound by the Heart Read Online Free PDF
Author: Marsha Canham
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
pudding looks jolly ripe,
not at all like the watery gruel we had on the Vixen."
    "Aye, Cook 'as a regular fine 'and when it comes
ter sweets." He paused, and his lips moved while he counted the faint
rings of the ship's bell. "Right. I'll leave ye to it then. Cap'n'll be
wantin' me on deck."
    "Thank you again," Summer said. "Oh,
and Mr. Thorntree—?"
    "Could you arrange to have some hot water sent
in? I should like to have a bath if it is at all possible. Michael will be
wanting one as well."
    "Eh? A wot?"
    "A bath, Mr. Thorntree. If you have a large
receptacle . . . a cask of some sort, or a barrel ... it would be that much easier."
    "Bleedin' 'ell," Thorny muttered and
scratched his head. "Next ye'll be wantin' a fancy ball gown?"
    "As a matter of fact," Summer pulled the
quilts up to her chin, "I would appreciate some manner of clothing."
    "The Cap'n already said ye could 'ave one of 'is
shirts," he exclaimed as if astounded a body could want for more.
    "Well, I can hardly walk around wearing nothing
but that!"
    "Ye cain't walk around a-tall!" Thorny
snorted." Cap'n's orders."
    "I beg your pardon?"
    "Cap'n says ee don't want ye topside. Bad fer the
men ter see an 'arf nekkid woman traipsin' up on the decks."
    "Let me see if I understand this," Summer
began, feeling the anger surge into her cheeks.
    "Nuttin' ter understand, lass. Ye're only a wee
t'ing. N'owt enough o' ye ter go 'round fer the 'ole crew, so it's best ye
don't go wavin' it in their faces."
    Summer turned a warm shade of scarlet. She heard a
second, warning cough from Michael, but it was too late.
    "You can just go and tell your captain that I
shall go topside when and if I so choose, and that if he or any of his
degenerate crew attempt to dissuade me in any way, they shall have the whole of
the British Navy to answer to. It is to be understood that Michael and I are
traveling under the protection of Sir Lionel Cambridge. We are British
subjects. We are not at war with America— yet —and therefore we expect to have every courtesy
extended to us until such time as we may leave this ship and return home. Any
violation of any kind will be reported and dealt with swiftly and without
recourse. Do I make myself quite clear?"
    Thoray's jaw was gaping. Michael was staring at Summer
in horror, wondering if perhaps she had lost her mind.
    "Now," she said archly. "I will have
that bath. . . unless you have anything else to say?"
    Thorny's mouth snapped shut. He glanced at Michael,
then at Summer once more before hastily retreating from the cabin. Michael
continued to gape at her even after the door was safely shut.
    "Summer," he said on a rush of air,
"are you sure you should have said that to him? He could come back here
with a cutlass and slit our throats."
    "Oh, good heavens, he wouldn't dare. And it is
important not to show weakness. If they are who you think they are and if what
they have in mind is indeed kidnapping and ransom, we mustn't let them think
they can get away with it without creating an incident in the process."
    "You mean a war?" His hazel eyes rounded.
    "It would be nothing less than they
deserve," she said with conviction. "This Captain Privateer cannot
just go around kidnapping His Majesty's subjects without feeling some
    Michael grinned suddenly. "Or without being
blasted out of the water. Don't forget the Caledonia is lurking somewhere about.
'Old Winifred' . . . er, I mean Captain Winfield is not going to just sail away
without making a jolly good search of the area to find us."
    Summer had moved to the table and was inspecting the
contents of the tray. "But it has been two days. We must be several
hundred miles from where the storm separated us."
    "If we've moved fifty, I'll eat every square of
canvas on board this ship," Michael said emphatically. "You may have
been tossing about in your sleep, but the Chimera has been riding peacefully at
anchor. She was damaged in the storm, and I gather Captain Wade wants to be
sure she's
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