Born of Magic: Gargoyle Masters, Book 2
surprised to see him accompany her into his private dining hall, but none of the wizards looked twice at him.
    He bowed to his king before pulling an empty chair back for Zephara. She nodded at the king before taking the seat and Wynn sat beside her.
    “Good morn, Zephara,” King Kadmos said.
    “Good morn, your highness.” She turned to look at the wizards lining both sides of the long table. “Gentlemen.”
    They all bowed their heads in unison. Bastien, the leader of the Twenty, stood. His long white beard reached the waist of his brown trousers and matched the bushy brows over his eyes, which now regarded Zephara with weighty consideration. “Zephara, you’ve been called here this morning to discuss the particulars of joining us and completing the Twenty. First, do you have any questions about yesterday’s trial?”
    She looked down at the table top as if to think it over. The table was clear of anything save a center piece. No servants bustled about yet either, telling Wynn they were being kept out for the moment.
    “Not at this time,” Zephara finally said. “I would like to know if I’ve completed all testing. Or is there more to come?”
    “Life is full of tests,” Bastien replied. “The life of the Twenty may prove to be more testing, and more taxing than you’re used to. Since the creation of the Masters we are rarely called on to protect the realm, but it does happen. For now, you will spend one week with each of us. We each have our own strengths and weaknesses. You will learn from both. Once the mentoring period is over, there will be the final test before you are officially named our twentieth.”
    “I understand. And I thank you.” She looked at each wizard. “All of you.”
    They each nodded to her as Bastien sat.
    Waldorf stood in his place. “There is one more consideration, my lady. So far we’ve told and shown you very little that can be used against us and the kingdom. In the next few weeks that will change. To ensure your loyalty you will be screened at the first castle. However, if you fail your final test your memory will be wiped clean of your time in Halstrid.” He looked pointedly at Wynn. “Everything will be erased from your time here.”
    Anger and fear welled in Wynn as the wizard sat and the king looked around the room. When no other wizard stood to speak, the king clapped once and a door opened behind him. Servants filed in with steaming trays of food and began to set out the breakfast. Wynn’s appetite had disappeared. How could they run the risk of her forgetting him and all they had shared?
    “So, Wynnston,” King Kadmos said, interrupting Wynn’s inner turmoil. “How much longer will we have the pleasure of your company?”
    One thing Wynn liked about the King was his directness. He didn’t have to worry at hidden meanings. If the King wanted to know something he would come right out and ask, rather than hide his true concern within another question.
    “I’m not certain, my king. I’ve not heard from my brothers that I’m needed elsewhere. I’d prefer to remain here for the time being.”
    He looked at Zephara and the King gave a knowing nod. “I see. Zephara will be accompanying Corbin up to his home in Hintersland for her first week. Will you travel with them?”
    Surprise shot through him at the offer. He turned his attention to the King’s right hand where Corbin sat watching. “May I?”
    Corbin nodded. “There is no reason you may not. Though, you may wish to return home for a night to recharge your power. I’m not heading home until tomorrow afternoon. Perhaps you can show Zephara your home this evening and return with the sun?”
    “Yes,” Wynn quickly answered as relief filled him. Then he turned to Zephara. “If that’s amenable to you?”
    “Yes, of course.”
    He wondered at the concessions they were making to include him, but then she smiled and the hint of suspicion flew from his head. Whatever the reason, he had no cause to complain.
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