Born of Magic: Gargoyle Masters, Book 2
to holler at the door. “Who is it?”
    “Corbin, with news.”
    Wynn didn’t seem too surprised but nervousness ran through Zephara. She sat up as Wynn stood and pulled on his trousers. She wrapped the blanket around her naked body, marveling that Wynn hadn’t woken her in the disrobing. He stalked to the door in obvious annoyance and yanked it open.
    “Yes?” he asked.
    Corbin stepped past him without being invited and she nearly laughed at the irritation on Wynn’s face.
    “Zephara, the Nineteen wish to invite you to breakfast with the king,” Corbin said. “You may bring your guest if you’d like. I have a feeling any discussion we have will only be shared with him later anyway, and our king’s trust in him is absolute. But be warned, it should go no further. Even your brother must be held at a distance in these matters.”
    She was surprised at the concession given for Wynn when Zeph couldn’t be told, but merely bowed her head in understanding. “I’ll dress quickly.”
    Corbin waved a hand. “You have some time.” He looked at Wynn who still stood at the open door. “But perhaps not that much time. Yes. Dress and meet us in the king’s private dining hall.”
    He strolled out without another word. Wynn shut the door and clicked the lock into place. He set his hands on his hips as he faced her. “What is this about?”
    It wasn’t in her to lie, especially to her eternal-mate. “I may be joining the Twenty.”
    His look of shock was telling and it bothered her. He moved back to the bed. “Truly? I didn’t realize a female could join the wizards.”
    “Any being strong enough to pass the tests and hold their secrets through even the most rigorous torture can join when needed. I proved my strength yesterday. The fact that I’m even awake now is another testament to my ability to be one of them.” She glanced around the room as unpleasant insecurities rose. “Does it bother you that I’ll be a wizard?”
    The bed dipped as he sat next to her. He rested a hand on her knee and she focused her gaze on it rather than whatever expression crossed his face.
    “Not at all. Well…no more than you being in any other dangerous position might. Are wizards allowed to…have relationships?”
    Her head shot up to find a worried frown on his face. She covered his hand with hers. “Of course. A couple of them were married long ago, but most have outlived their wives.”
    “Oh. I didn’t know that.”
    The median age of the wizards in the Twenty was one-hundred seventy-five years. Many had chosen human wives before finally reaching an age that having one no longer mattered to them. She looked Wynn over and couldn’t imagine ever not wanting him, despite her age.
    “Do you never speak to them of such things?”
    He shrugged before lifting his hand, hers still on top of it. He kissed her hand and gently placed it back on the bed. Then he stood. “After we were created we were more concerned with protecting the realm than anything else. The past few years have been mostly peaceful, but we keep to our castle when not on patrol and the wizards keep to theirs. It’s rare for us to encounter them unless we’re needed for battle.”
    He donned a clean shirt and began pulling on his socks and boots. She took the hint and slipped off the bed, but a glance around didn’t reveal her clothes. “Where are the clothes I wore yesterday?”
    “I gave them to a servant for cleaning. Wrap the blanket back around you and I’ll carry you to your room.”
    That surprised a laugh out of her. “You needn’t carry me.”
    He pulled on his weapons and a short jacket to cover them. Then he pulled the blanket from the bed and wrapped it around her. “Perhaps not, but I prefer to.”
    She merely smiled as he lifted her into his arms and strode to the next room.
    * * * * *
    The attention of nineteen wizards had never bothered Wynn before, but having it all focused on Zephara was testing his patience. King Kadmos seemed
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