Boreal and John Grey Season 1

Boreal and John Grey Season 1 Read Online Free PDF

Book: Boreal and John Grey Season 1 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Chrystalla Thoma
shifting cloud of darkness, arms growing from its top. A Shade trying to get through the veil.
    Letting out the breath quietly, she turned back to the woman. “Looking for Martha Graham.”
    “In the flesh.” Martha looked down at herself and made a face. “Had a bit of a run in today. I arrested a thief and he gave me a run for my money.”
    Ella raised her brows. “I see.” At the edge of her vision, the Shade was taking a more humanoid form. A head had appeared above the arms, with two glowing holes for eyes.
    “So... what can I do you for?”
    “David Holborn sent me,” Ella said, and it was a struggle to keep her hands off her knives. Maybe it was a harmless Shade, but after the recent attacks... “Paranormal Bureau.”
    “Oh, right. I know why he sent you.” Martha waved a hand at a plastic chair. “Have a seat. Want a coffee?”
    Ella thought about declining, but didn’t. She felt cold, and realized she was in a bit of a shock, with Simon gone missing, the recent attack and a Shade forming mere feet from her. Warmth and caffeine sounded good. “Yes, please.”
    “Tastes like piss,” Martha warned, waddling out the door. “Just so you know.”
    Ella gave the Shade another look, but it was still forming. She couldn’t attack it yet. Slow to cross, slow to move. That was how Shades used to be. Damn. Good old times .
    So instead, she took a seat and stretched out her legs, glancing around the messy office. Her leg, broken in an encounter a few months back, itched and ached. The weather was changing, growing colder and damper, making old fractures and joints hurt. Simon often complained about that, too.
    Simon. Missing . Ella’s hands started shaking again, and she was grateful when Martha pushed the cup between her icy fingers. She sipped at her coffee, bitter and sweet and scalding hot. The only way she could drink that crap. Maybe the woman was a psychic after all.
    “So, David Holborn sent you.” Martha tsked. “I bet it’s about that little incident a month ago at the Shawn Merlin murder scene.”
    Ella remembered the case. Gruesome murder, blood splashed all over the house. No fingerprints, no clues. Case unsolved. “What happened there?”
    Martha leaned against the desk, cradling her cup in both hands. “Well, I... Most people would think I’m crazy, but I saw something... Thought I saw something.” She gave a rueful smile. “I did tell David Holborn that it was probably the shock. Murder scene was quite horrid.”
    “Yeah,” Ella said distractedly. The Shade had now grown legs, long and spindly. “Just tell me what you saw.”
    Silence greeted her words. She turned. Martha was giving her a doubtful look.
    Ella sighed. “I won’t call you crazy, I promise. I mean, I work for Holborn, right?” She flashed what she hoped was a disarming smile. “And this stays between the two of us.”
    Martha seemed to relax a little. “All right.”
    “So...?” The Shade had taken full form, and Ella’s hand strayed to the gun strapped to her hip.
    “Well, I saw something.” Martha put the cup on the desk, drawing Ella’s attention back to her. She wiped her hands down her pants. “Not sure what it was. I first thought it was some sort of animal in the shadows of the staircase. You know. In the house. The staircase leading from the living room, the murder scene, to the upper floor where the bedrooms are.”
    “What sort of animal?” The Shade was still and its energy pulsed faintly and steadily. It didn’t look like it was about to attack. Still... “Can you describe it?”
    “Hard to tell. It crouched, and it seemed to have a muzzle like a dog. But its body...” Martha shuddered. “It looked like a person’s. Legs, arms. I could swear I saw horns on its head, though.” She snorted, a forced, nervous sound.
    So she’d seen a Shade indeed. Dave’s instincts were good. “Have you seen this sort of thing before?”
    Martha shook her head. Her glasses fell and she made a grab for
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