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Book: BOOM Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michael Whetzel
I’m not.” Donovan eased back into
his chair. His bulk rode hard on the worn leather and he placed his hands
behind his head.  “I’m here signing checks this morning. And I’m sure you know,
giving away your money can put someone in a really sour mood.”
    Jeffrey did not respond.
    “Darryl says you haven’t even tried to sell anything this
morning.” Donovan was frowning at Jeffrey now. “He says the store has been
pretty full this morning. Griffin has already moved over $500 in stock. Even
what’s her face has sold something. What’s going on?”
    Jeffrey frowned back. “It’s cleaning day. I have to clean
the store and dust all the shelves. I get…” Jeffrey stopped.
    “Go on, what is it?”
    “Well, if it’s not done right, I usually get reprimanded.”
He looked at Darryl out of the corner of his eye.
    Darryl piped in. “Jeffrey’s right. I expect a clean store
every week. But I don’t see why he cannot complete sales at the same time.”
Donovan nodded and smiled and Jeffrey watched as some unknown understanding
passed between the two men.
    “Well, Darryl’s quite right. The store needs to be spic and
span. And we need you to sell.” Donovan leaned forward. He grabbed an envelope
and tossed it in to Jeffrey’s lap. “That’s this week’s paycheck. If you ask me,
it’s pretty skimpy. You don’t want skimpy pay checks do you? Right?”
    Jeffrey shifted in his chair and Donovan continued.
    “Remember what we talked about yesterday, Walls? About the
jungle? And what kind of animal you are going to be? I know you thought about
it. Well, I want to know. I want to know what kind of animal you are.”
    Jeffrey began to knot the envelope he was holding with his
hands. His brow furrowed ever so slightly. The other two men did not notice.
    “Griffin’s a tiger. I’m a lion. Darryl’s the wise old bear. Hell,
we even got a sexy little pussycat out there.” Darryl snickered at this. “So
what is my salesman, Walls, going to be?”
     Jeffrey was worrying the envelope between his hands. The
paper began to tear and rip.
    “Well, I’m waiting. This is Go time, Walls.”
    Jeffrey still did not answer.
    “Donovan is talking to you,” Darryl said. “This is your time
to finally show us what you got.”
    “C’mon, boy. Show me some moxie here.” Donovan was waiting.
    The envelope ripped in two and fell to the floor.
    Jeffrey sat staring at the floor.
    “Boom? What the hell’s a boom?” Donovan looked confused. He
glanced at Darryl, who only shrugged his shoulders back. Darryl rose from his
seat and came to stand next to Jeffrey.
    “Well, Boss,” Darryl turned to Donovan, “I guess this is
that college education coming out. Everything has to have some utter deep
meaning to it. Maybe he can explain exactly what “Boom” means.” Darryl looked
down at Jeffrey.
    Jeffrey looked up at Darryl.
    “Why don’t you ever shut the fuck up?”
    The silence was overwhelming. Both managers only stared at
Jeffrey, their mouths slightly agape.
    “What did you just say?” Darryl asked.
    “I said,” Jeffrey continued, his voice rising strong and
loud, “why don’t you ever shut the fuck up, monkeyboy?”
    Darryl stood up. “Now wait a minute, son, I can’t just….”
    Jeffrey continued. “Monkeyboy. Yeah, that makes more sense.
Not a bear. No, bears are respected and actually somewhat liked. Monkeys,
though, who the hell likes a monkey? All they do is throw shit and beat off all
day. Yeah, that’s better. You should be a monkey.” He looked up at Darryl.
“Then you can spew shit all day long.”
    “You are out of line, Walls! This is a huge write-up
coming!” Donovan’s face was turning red as he spat the words out.
    Jeffrey settled back in his chair. He turned to Donovan.
    “And lion? Really isn’t that stretching it a bit, Boss? I
mean lions are proud and majestic. You don’t quite measure up if you ask me.
You’re more of an ass if you think about it. Kind of good
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