Bitten by the Alpha Wolf
would have been about eight years old. She remembered that was around the time that she and her mother stopped going to the bayou for jam and preserves.
    A chill ran through her body when she thought about what could have happened to Madame C. Did something happen to her because she knew too much, or did she simply pass away because of old age? Kyla made a note to ask her mother in the morning. Until then, she lay back and continued clicking on stories about Bayou Meroux and its strained relationship with the werewolves.
    Maybe Landon had been right. What if the werewolves were not totally the enemy and they were only trying to protect what was theirs?
    Landon. So virile, yet he also had an air of vulnerability. She still wasn’t sure what the key to his mysterious nature was, but that didn’t stop her from wanting to spend more time with him.
    Kyla drifted off to sleep with her thoughts of Landon.
    With event season in full gear, Kyla hadn't had time to spend chatting leisurely on the phone with any of her friends. She was exhausted after twelve-hour workdays, back-to-back weddings, and simply looking ahead at her schedule of events. By the time she realized that she hadn’t talked to Landon, it had been over two weeks.
    Maybe her mind hadn’t been aware of it, but her body ached with the need to see him.
    With a lull in her schedule, Kyla called Jess to see if she had heard from Landon. Jess said she hadn’t. Kyla called a few times, but he didn’t return any of her calls. She felt like a fool. Everything in her mind told her to stop calling, and that he wasn’t interested in her. Everything in her heart said the opposite.
    At the end of the day, she had to know for sure. Dusk was falling, and the air had an electric quality to it. Before she thought too hard about the situation, Kyla jumped in the car and was on her way to the bayou. If she had taken another minute to think, she would have turned the car around.
    She wanted to see, at the very least, that Landon was all right. As she drove, the moon hung mystifyingly overhead. It was larger than life tonight, so big, round and full, she felt like she could reach out and touch it. Once out of the city, Kyla marveled at the stars, how they twinkled so brightly, and how clear the sky was.
    She was impressed with herself, that after only coming out to the area once, she remembered the route to Landon's home. Then again, it was just one exit, a long stretch of paved road, and a turn into his driveway. Once she arrived, she saw his car in the driveway.
    A pang of anxiety surged through her, but she had already made it out here, and there was no good reason to turn back now. Except her crippling fear of rejection. No, she’d have to get over that. If things with Landon weren’t meant to be, she needed to know. No more waiting around for a call that wouldn’t come.
    She climbed the steps to the front door, which swung open before she could knock.
    "You must be Kyla."
    Kyla recognized the blonde-haired beauty from Jess's parties. "I am. I was looking for Landon."
    The girl stepped outside of the door, looking up into the sky.
    "I'm his cousin, Carolina. He's here. I’ll go let him know that he has company. Come on in."
    Carolina held her hand out in a welcoming gesture and stepped to the side as Kyla walked in.
    The home was a mix of comfort and old world style. Rows of books lined the walls. Statues were spaced all around, and the furniture was trimmed in gold leaf. One element of the décor didn’t quite fit in—a rifle leaned up against the front door jamb. Kyla was willing to bet it was loaded and ready to go.
    “Expecting some kind of trouble?” she asked Carolina, pointing to the gun.
    “Just the usual,” Carolina said, shrugging. “Way out here in the middle of nowhere, an alarm system isn’t any use at all. I’ve never had to shoot the thing, but Landon keeps it cleaned and ready, just in case some crazy wanders out here.”
    Kyla nodded.
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