Bitten By Regret (Just One Bite #2)

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Book: Bitten By Regret (Just One Bite #2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kay Glass
equipment." He rolled his eyes but didn't speak. "You have nearly 300
years' experience over my own- I still need you, Eamon. There is so much I do
not know is possible, so much I need to learn, and you can help me. I want your
help." Diandra hugged the man and Jonah's jealousy flared to life again.
After all, she was with Lizbeth- what was her relationship with this guy?
    Diandra was ignoring Jonah for the moment. She saw the
envious looks he shot at the man as he studied him- the anger filled his face
as he watched the two of them. She couldn't help but compare and contrast the
two of them. Jonah was a bit shorter than Eamon. She figured Eamon was around
6'3" or so, and Jonah wasn't quite 6 feet. Eamon looked like he's spent
his lifetime hitting the heavy weights at the gym, while Jonah was muscular,
but very slightly so. His was more natural muscle from every day activities
while Eamon appeared to work at it. Even though Jonah was only 31 when he was
changed and Eamon had said he was nearly 30, Jonah appeared a good five years
older, maybe more.
    His jealousy was amusing to Diandra. This was a side to
Jonah she had never seen while they were married. Insecure, petty, childish-
all this was new. It was amazing to see someone who had been such a huge part
of her life in a new light. The more she learned about Jonah the more she
realized she had never really known him. How tragic was that? The more distance
she had from the time she spent with him the more obvious it became that their
life together was a lie. It broke her heart to realize how much time she had
spent as a weak, vapid creature. She loved her new life with its ups and downs,
ins and outs. Her life was bright, shiny, new and full of honesty. Her previous
life was a house of cards built on the shaky table of dishonesty. All she had
needed to find the truth was turn on a light- it's a shame the light had been
his "death."
    "Eamon, we'll discuss all this later if that's all
right with you. For now we have a problem, and I hope you can help us."
Diandra pulled back to study Eamon thoroughly. He looked like a man who was
struggling through issues of his own. She only hoped he was willing to take the
time to help them. If not- well, she'd promised Jonah nothing except that she
would try. She was trying, but if Eamon said no, there was nothing more she
could do for him.
    Eamon ran a weary hand through his hair, and then he fixed a
weighty stare on Jonah. "I'm assuming by what I'm reading that he's the
problem you need help with?" Jonah bristled under the insult but stayed
carefully quiet. As much as it pissed him off, he couldn't afford to alienate
this bastard.
    Diandra sighed heavily. "Yeah, he's the problem. Meet
my former husband, Jonah." Eamon stuck out a hand for Jonah to shake and
gave a friendly grin. Then he crushed Jonah's hand in a mighty grip, his smile
containing a bit more teeth to it. Diandra growled a little and then got
between the two men. She put a hand on each of their chests and shoved with all
her might. Oops, probably shouldn’t have done that, she thought as Jonah hit
his head against a nearby picnic bench and Eamon crashed into a tree some ten
feet away. She winced at the impact and her jaw dropped in surprise as the tree
made a cracking sound and tumbled over, roots exposed to the moist night air.
    Eamon groaned as he got to his feet once more. "Damn, I
really need to remember not to piss you off. It's been awhile- I kind of forgot
how strong you've become." He gave her a big grin and then clapped her on
the back hard enough to make her stumble. "Proud of you,
kid!" A laugh bubbled up out of Lizbeth, surprised by his reaction.
    He walked over to Lizbeth, dipped her low and kissed her
cheek. "Missed ya, bright eyes!" Lizbeth
rolled her eyes and made a big show out of wiping his kiss away much to Eamon's
    Jonah stood up, angrily wiping at dew and dirt yet again.
Twice in one night that bitch managed to take him down, he thought to
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