Bitten By Regret (Just One Bite #2)

Bitten By Regret (Just One Bite #2) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Bitten By Regret (Just One Bite #2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kay Glass
himself. That bitch is stronger than you and I put
together, buddy, so I'd remember that the next time you pull any macho jealous
bullshit over a greeting between friends , a sarcastic male voice spoke in
his head. He looked up at Eamon who gave him a little wink of acknowledgment.
Great, he was the only vamp here without the power to read minds. This whole
immortal thing was really starting to suck for him.
    "Can we cut this shit out and get down to business
now?" Lizbeth sneered, disgusted with the juvenile display in front of
her. "Something's after Jonah and we don't know what the Hell it could be.
We hoped you might know more since you've got more time on your side of the
vamp line these two do."
    Eamon looked up at her, all teasing gone. "Tell me
what's going on, and I'll tell you if it's anything I recognize."
    In typical cop fashion Lizbeth laid it all out succinctly
for him- everything Jonah had told them. When she finished Eamon held up his
hand to signal that he needed to process the information. He wandered away to
sit on the recently uprooted tree, picking up a branch and drawing random
patterns in the dirt as he mulled over everything he had been told.
    Diandra used the time he spent thinking to study him. Eamon
looked fantastic- fit and healthy with the same deep copper coloring she
remembered from last month. It made her curious. She knew he was Irish but you'd
never be able to guess by his coloring. He wore a rust-colored button down
short sleeved shirt tucked into a pair of relaxed fit jeans. They must have
been a recent purchase to replace the torn leg look that he had sported
previously. Her sensitive nose twitched a little as she scented the air. As the
smell of fresh cotton and indigo dye reached her nose she smiled a little in
satisfaction. Yeah, they were definitely new jeans. She had to wonder what the
special occasion was. She shrugged it off- they had more important things to
deal with tonight.
    Eamon finally spoke, his head in his hands as he sat on the
felled tree. "The Council." He looked up at
them now. "The Council says they considered my comments but they won't
hold off. They say he broke the rules, and now he must pay the consequences of
his actions."
    Jonah cut in. "What rules? What consequences? I don't
understand. What's this council thing you're talking about?" The panic was
deeply embedded in his questions, coloring each word with shades of hysteria.
    "The Council rules us all. They don't interfere with
us, or any choices we make, but they will punish us if we break the rules.
Sadly, you broke the most important rule of all- never turn someone against
their will. It's an automatic death sentence, no excuses." Eamon looked up
at Diandra bleakly. "I did all I could, kid. I gave my opinions, asked
them to change their minds, but they won't listen to me. I'm sorry, Dia."
Eamon looked down once more, running his fingers through his ivory hair.
    "Wait, so you mean that because I snapped like that and
turned Diandra this council wants me dead? I have to deal with that on top of
the mist?" Jonah's voice rose once more.
    Eamon shot him an ugly look before bowing his head once
more. "You fucking idiot, the mist is the Council. That's the Council Elder in his shapeshifted form. He becomes
black mist to suffocate his target. Afterwards the mist goes back to wherever
they keep their lair and they aren't heard from again until someone breaks the
    "But I didn't know! No one ever told me any rules. I
had no mentor or whatever you are to Diandra. How was I supposed to know the
rules? It isn't fair that I'm going to be killed for breaking a rule I never
knew existed." Jonah was irate now, furious that some omniscient council
could decide he had to be killed when no one told him there were rules to this
    Eamon stood up and planted his hiking boots firmly.
"Look, don't you think I told the council that? It's not my fault that
they didn't listen. As far as they're concerned, whether you were
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