Bitch Reloaded
the Hudson Parkway, I was becoming more anxious, wondering what information Smokey had regarding Nico.
    I drove around the block a couple of times before I pulled up in front of the legendary restaurant that was no bigger than my Range but served food good as hell. I saw Smokey's BMW 525 parked at the curb but he wasn't inside. I figured he was already in the spot, but I called his cell to double check. I took out my 9mm from the hidden compartment and placed the silencer on the tip of the barrel before placing it in my purse. I hoped that I wouldn't have to use it, but you can never be too careful. I slowly walked up in the spot checking in all directions who was in the place. A few couples were seated; getting they grub on and Smokey sat directly facing the door. "What's good, Smokey?"
    "Hopefully everything. I think this info I got should put a smile on yo' face."
    "Speak," I said, sitting down.
    "One of my street informants introduced me to this cat that says he know where Nico is hiding out at."
    "Word is bond. The nigga wouldn't give me too many details `cause he want his bread first."
    "What details did he give?"
    "He said the nigga is staying at some co-op downtown on the West side."
    "What? That sounds crazy. You tellin' me that nigga still right here in New York?"
    "That's what my man say. Besides, it's not like Nico could have gotten on a plane. Even the feds are looking for him. It makes sense, since he just killed Supreme a few weeks ago."
    "How is your informant sure it's Nico?"
    "The nigga still hustling. From what I understand he tryna get his paper right before he break out. My informant's cousin sold three diesels to him."
    "Nico back selling heroin? Who hitting that nigga off wit' paper?"
    "How the story goes, the boy's cousin is a big time hustling nigga. The kingpin nigga sent him to drop off the goods because he got backed up on some other shit. He had no idea Nico was the nigga he was delivering to. Some bitch answered the door and it took Nico a second to come out from the back. He gave him the package and he still wasn't positive it was Nico until he heard the bitch call out his name when he was walking out the door. As far as where he got the paper to buy that shit, I don't know. But I don't think that nigga's cousin be frontin' wit' his diesel so Nico got the cash from somewhere."
    "So Nico hauled up wit' some bitch selling diesel? He's right under our fuckin' noses."
    "Damn right."
    "So what's next?"
    "The nigga wanna speak to you and make sure that he'll get the bread if he delivers on the body."
    "Where he at now?"
    "He lives right around the corner. I didn't tell him you were coming to meet me, but I wanted us to be nearby just in case you was up to seeing him."
    "So you believe he on the up-an-up?"
    "No doubt. This nigga official. All he want is his paper and Nico is good as dead."
    "Night, get him on the phone and hookup the meeting." I sat back and listened to Smokey make the arrangements. Something about the situation was a little suspect, but Smokey sounded so confident with his information. Plus, it was plausible for Nico to be shacking up with some bitch getting his hustle on so he could get the fuck out of New York. Your options are limited when your pockets are empty, so it did make sense. I stored my paranoia to the back of my mind and held on tightly to my purse for backup.
    "He ready. I told him we'd be there in fifteen minutes so he wouldn't know we was just a step away."
    "Let's do this. But for your sake this nigga betta be on the up.
    Smokey and I small-talked for a few since we had extra time. After I finished my glass of sweet tea, I followed him out the front door. We walked about three blocks until we came to a renovated apartment building in the middle of the projects. It blew my mind how these real estate motherfuckers kept putting all this money into upgrading these apartments, raising the rent so upper-middle class white people could move in the neighborhood. It
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