Bitch Reloaded
trigger as B-Boy sat quietly.
    "Smokey, this nigga told you he delivered three packages of heroin to Nico and now he saying coke. That ain't no small oversight, that's a major fuck up." B-Boy slightly bit down on his bottom lip realizing he had messed up. It was good to know Smokey wasn't a part of this farce because by the look on his face he truly didn't see it coming.
    "Damn, B-Boy, this was all a set up? Word is bond. I thought you was good people."
    "Do you even know where Nico is, or was that all part of the scam," I asked the snake. B-Boy sat there mum. "Night, nigga, either you start telling me who you working for or I'm `bout to put this bullet in you like it ain't nothin'." He was still silent, but I caught his eyes glance over by the shut bedroom door.
    I put my finger over my mouth indicating to Smokey to be quiet and then signaled for him to come closer to me. Then I whispered, "Pull out your piece. There's somebody in that bedroom; you might have to blast whoever in there," I said, pointing to the closed door."
    Smokey got a real shook look on his face before revealing, "Precious, I ain't neva shot nobody before. I ain't no killa."
    "Smokey, either kill or be killed. That's your options. I can't be in two places at one time."As I was talking to Smokey, B-Boy was fidgeting. I knew he was trying to scheme a way to get out this mess. He was also probably wondering why whoever his backup in the bedroom was hadn't come out to save his skinny ass. They were probably sleeping on the job, not knowing B-Boy's cover had been blown.
    "Listen here, don't even think about making a move," I said softly but sternly in his ear. "Smokey, you keep this gun to his head and I'll go check the bedroom. If the nigga flinch, lullaby his ass. Now give me your gun." Smokey had a nine like mine, so I would have no problem using it.
    Smokey held the gun to B-Boy's head but his nervousness was clear. I just prayed that B-Boy didn't sense it and take advantage of the situation. "If you make a sound, Smokey, gonna smoke yo' ass," I said to B-Boy trying to instill fear. I cautiously walked towards the door, without being in direct range. I stood on the side of the wall and put my right hand on the knob, slowly raising my left arm to firing position. As I was about to open the door, I heard B-Boy scream out.
    "Yo, she got a gun."
    Immediately, I fell to the floor and as I crawled back behind a chair. I looked at Smokey and yelled, "Smoke that nigga!" From the quick glance I got of Smokey, the nigga was frozen. Then the bedroom door flung open and a dude stepped out with his gun raised.
    "She over there," B-Boy screamed out. Before the nigga could turn around in my direction, I stood up behind the chair and blasted off three shots. Two hit him in the chest and one in the neck. Both Smokey and B-Boy looked with their mouths wide open as his body fell to the floor. "Bitch, you killed my brother."
    With Smokey still not making no moves, B-Boy used the opportunity to wrestle the gun out of his hand, but I ended all that. I was a few feet away but my aim was crazy, and my shot put a bullet in the back of B-Boy's head. His head exploded and blood splattered in Smokey's face. He bent over for a minute and I thought the nigga was going to vomit. I ran in the kitchen, grabbed a towel and ran some water on it. "Smokey, wipe your face off," I said, handing him the towel.
    "Precious, you just killed two niggas. I-I-I ain't neva seen no shit like that before. Where the fuck you learned th-that shit?" The nervousness in his voice had Smokey stuttering.
    "The streets, but baby boy we ain't got time to talk about all that. We need to get the fuck outta here. I know somebody called the police by now. Let's go." I slowly opened the door to see if it was safe in the hallway and to my despair, I saw two dudes coming around the corner running towards the apartment. Hurriedly, I shut and locked the door.
    "What's wrong?" Smokey asked, sounding like a scared
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