Billionaire Romance: Christmas Surprise (Book One)
the ball, but if it did, he had no right to say
anything. Especially with the way he constantly treated her.
    “And you have no problem with that?” Rory’s
all-knowing eyes sparkled with mischief.
    “Why wouldn’t I be?”
    “Probably because of the bra I found under
the bookshelf in the library last week.” The amusement in River’s
voice did not escape him.
    That night felt so long ago that he couldn’t
believe it was just a week ago. “Doesn’t matter. I screwed it up
after that.”
    “Of course you did, Dean; you’re an idiot
when it comes to women.”
    “Gee thanks, sis.”
    Rory leaned forward. “Oh hush, you know I
love you. But you have a problem. You hate women who chase you for
your money ,but then you only date those types of women. I can tell
Krista doesn’t want anything from you and I’m sure you’ve accused
her on more than one occasion of being after your billions.”
    He felt the flush roll over his face at his
sister’s words. “I have been an ass to her on multiple occasions.
She only speaks to me now when it’s necessary.” He hated the
stilted silence between them. It ate at him and that look in her
eyes, of constant rejection, tore him apart.
    “See? An idiot.” Rory gave him a satisfied
smile, pleased her description of him was accurate. “The good news
is that she likes you as much as you like her, so there’s still a
chance for you two.”
    He balked at her words. “What do you mean? I
don’t like her and she loathes me!”
    River barked out a laugh. “You really are
clueless. I guess it’s a good thing you’re not that clueless when
it comes to business or we’d all be living under a bridge by now.”
Dean’s narrowed gaze had River laughing again. “You both think
you’re sneaking glances when the other isn’t looking. You’re not.
We can all see it, Dean. So I suggest you get your head out of your
ass or she’ll be gone on Christmas Eve just as she said.”
    “She also said you haven’t done the DNA test
yet,” Rory added with a hint of censure in her tone.
    “I’ll get around to it.” He hadn’t done the
test yet because he knew that when the results came in, Krista
would relinquish her claim on Angel and leave.
    “What’s the hold up?”
    He didn’t like it when they ganged up on
him. He was the oldest, dammit, he didn’t answer to them. Before he
could tell them as much, his assistant knocked and entered. “Sir,
there’s a Tom Powell here to see you. He said it was urgent and
    “Send him in.” Moments later a short man
with black glasses walked in looking uncomfortable amongst the
wealth of Harwood Industries and the Harwood clan.
    “Hello, I’m Tom Powell from Genetic
Solutions . I have just taken a DNA sample from an Angel Thorpe
Harwood and I was told I needed to take one from you as well.”
    Dean’s shoulders slumped but he waved the
man over as his family snickered on the other side of the massive
desk. “I guess she took the issue out of your hands, man. You ought
to hang on to her, Dean. She doesn’t take your shit and gives not a
damn about your fortune.” With that River and Rory stood and left
his office, Tom Powell following shortly after.
    Dammit, they were right. He’d screwed up big
time with Krista and he needed a little Christmas magic to make it
    The doorbell rang and Krista answered it
with Angel in her arms. She spent the past few days purchasing
Christmas gifts for Angel and they were due to arrive today and
tomorrow. But when she opened the door, she was greeted by a
liveried driver holding several boxes and bags.
    “Mrs. Harwood?”
    “No, I’m just the nanny. There is no Mrs.
Harwood as far as I know.” She held Angel’s arm as she reached to
the man who gave her a wink and a smile.
    “This says I should deliver them to the lady
of the house, Krista Halloway. Ah, sorry about that miss.”
    “I’m Krista and don’t worry about it. You
can just set them right here and I’ll get to
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