Biker Bound: The Lost Souls MC Series

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Book: Biker Bound: The Lost Souls MC Series Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ellie R Hunter
they passed and left.
    Now I was on my own I crouched back down.
    “I don’t know why you felt you had to join that club but I’m going to find out. See for myself what appealed to you about it.”

Chapter Four
    “You happy now you’ve seen her?” I ask, as we pull into the clubhouse.
    “She’s gentle, I can see why Billy liked her,” she says, completely ignoring my question.
    “Alannah, now you’ve seen her are you happy she’s okay?” I ask again.
    Kristen didn’t look upset at the diner or at the graveside. I’m intrigued to find out why. Surely she would show more emotion finding out Billy was dead?
    “I’m not happy Slade. Billy died because of me. Now her son doesn’t have a father and all because I threw the God damn gun down and didn’t shoot them. Now she’s staying I can make sure I make it up to them both.”
    “She’s staying?”
    “Yes, she wants to know more about Billy’s life here. It’s the least I can do for her.”
    She doesn’t give me the chance to tell her how much of a bad idea this is as she opens her door and escapes to the clubhouse. I make my own way in after her but she is nowhere to be seen.
    “Here, make sure Alannah gets these back.”
    I toss her car keys at the prospect and head to the back room.
    The reason we had to leave the cemetery was because Cas called to say we all were needed back.
    By the looks of it I am last to arrive, I close the doors behind me and take my seat next to Sparky.
    “You took ya time,” Oak grumbles from the other side of the table.
    “I got here as quick as I could. It’s not my fault his old lady went on a guilt redeeming mission,” I reply, pointing to Cas.
    His head snaps up and his face tells me he already knows what I’m going on about.
    “I’ll talk to you after,” he tells me before carrying on, “Not long ago I got a call from Banksy.”
    Banksy is the lawyer we go to when we need official help or one of us ends up in jail. He’s as straight laced as they come but when it comes to loopholes in the justice system he’s one of the best.
    “Ricky’s been picked up on drug offences. Apparently he was pulled over and fifty wraps of brown were found in his saddle bag.”
    “What the fuck? What’s he doin’ with heroin? We don’t touch that shit!” Oak fumes.
    “I don’t know the exact details yet, I’m waitin’ on Banksy to call back. He said he’d call after Ricky’s been interrogated, until then your guess is as good as mine,” Cas finished.
    “Ricky wouldn’t touch heroin, his sister overdosed on it. There’s no way he would be around the stuff,” Jack says, in his defence.
    Jack patched in at the same time as Ricky. If anyone knew Ricky better, it was him.
    “Regardless of what he would or wouldn’t touch, there’s no point in speculating. We’ll wait for Banksy to call and go from there,” Cas says.
    “This isn’t goin’ to look good on the club. Whether it’s his heroin or not, we’re probably gonna have eyes on us now,” Sparky says, pointing out the obvious.
    “I know,” Cas rumbled through gritted teeth, “Until we know what the fuck is goin’ on, no one carry anything you’re not licenced for.”
    Cas slams the gavel on the table and everyone apart from Cas and I stand to leave.
    “So, tell me what happened earlier?” he asks, lighting up a cigarette.
    I told him about our trip into town to the diner and then the cemetery.
    “How was Alannah around her?” he asks.
    “She got a little teary at the graveside, apart from that she was okay. Alannah knows how this club works better than most of the members but when she’s around Kristen it’s like she forgets who she is,” I tell him.
    His head falls back over his chair and he rubs his face in frustration.
    “The last couple of nights she’s been waking up screaming from nightmares. She hasn’t had any for a long while but with Kristen showing up, it’s brought everything back up to the
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