cockily, his eyes focused intently on the game at hand.
    Noelle watched with shock as Blaze began to play, quickly gathering a large pile of the orange chips—he called them pumpkins—in front of him. She looked around the room and saw that the other players had similar piles of chips. It amazed her that these people had so much money that they were able to throw it around like it was nothing. Losing a thousand dollars or more in less than thirty blew her mind.
    It also made her wonder what Blaze did for a living.
    “So, what do you do?” she whispered, unable to hide her curiosity now that the alcohol was coursing through her.
    Blaze looked at her sideways, a small smile playing on his lips.
    “What do I do?” he repeated.
    “You know, for work.”
    “Ahh. What do you think I do?”
    Noelle hated when people answered a question with a question.
    “I don't know, that was the reason I asked.”
    “No, I’m curious. What do you think I do for a living?”
    Since Blaze was so attractive, Noelle decided to play along. After all, she was hoping to sleep with him tonight. She wanted to act as different from her normal self as she possibly could.
    “Hmm,” she wondered, toying with the stirrer in her drink and licking her lower lip. Her flirting felt out of practice, but she didn’t miss Blaze’s eyes going to her mouth. “I would imagine that you are...some kind of business man.”
    She looked down at his shiny shoes—even his shoes screamed of money.
    Blaze gave her a wicked grin. “Not a bad guess.”
    “Am I right?”
    “I’m not telling.”
    “That’s not fair,” she pouted, “I already shared part of my history with you earlier tonight.” She thought of how she had uncharacteristically opened up about her sister, Vivienne.
    “And I appreciate that.”
    “That’s it? You appreciate it?”
    Blaze licked his lips, his eyes hardening slightly. “Yes.” It was clear that Blaze was not disclosing any information. “So, tell me. What is it that you do?”
    “Oh no! I’m not sharing any more with you if you’re not going to share with me.”
    Blaze shrugged, unbothered. “I could probably guess. I’m pretty good at reading people.”
    The cocktail waitress appeared with fresh drinks, and Noelle took hers, sipping it greedily. She’d been drunk earlier but had sobered up once they came to the high roller room. Now she could feel the warm effects of another buzz beginning. And, realizing this could be her last chance to ever drink top shelf, she started to let loose a little.
    “Go ahead. Guess,” she said smugly.
    “Hmm,” his eyes roved over her. “You’re dressed very sexy tonight, but I get the impression that this isn’t your normal look. Especially after what you shared earlier about your childhood. You have student loans, and I know you’re worried about paying for your condo, so I’m going to assume that you don’t have a very lucrative job.”
    Noelle narrowed her eyes.
    “However, you are very well-spoken and clearly seem educated.” He shook his drink in his hands, allowing the ice cubes to clink together. “I’m going to go with a teacher.”
    Noelle burst out laughing. “Very, very close, but not quite. To your credit, I did start out as an education major when I was in college. My two friends are teachers though.”
    “Damn! So close!” He focused his attention back to the game for a moment, but then looked back at Noelle. “Not a teacher,” he mused to himself. “And you did go to college,” he trailed off. “Maybe another profession where you help people. But not paid a lot.” He snapped his fingers together. “I know! A nurse!”
    Noelle gaped at him.
    “Yes! I’m right, aren’t I?”
    “How were you able to deduce that from what I told you?”
    Blaze tapped his head and gave her a cocky smile. “I told you. I’m very good at reading people, and I pay attention to what people say. Given what I’ve learned about you so far, and how you
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