a dream.
    Someone as handsome, sexy and mysterious as him would never be interested in Noelle.
    Noelle pictured herself in her scrubs, her face makeup-free, and her hair pulled back in a ponytail. That was how she was used to seeing herself.
    But tonight was different.
    Tonight, Noelle didn’t look like the girl she was accustomed to seeing in the mirror; her hair was down and styled, and she was wearing makeup. And not only that, but she was wearing a sexy dress and killer high-heels. Maybe Vegas-Noelle was someone Blaze would be interested in, she suddenly felt bolder and more confident in herself.
    This was Vegas after all! How great would it be if she could go home knowing that she had a sexy one-night-stand with a man like Blaze? It would make for a great story and it was so out of character for Noelle that it felt liberating.
    Of course, she knew that she was at risk for making impulsive, foolish choices, but she didn’t think this choice was part of her illness.
    Noelle pushed the word out of her mind.
    She wasn’t going to think about her illness. She had been doing so well lately, that she practically felt cured.
    Blaze smiled at the women. “I think we’re ready for bigger and better things, ladies. What do you say we cash in our chips and head to the high roller room now? Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.”
    Noelle was hanging on every word, but Quinn and Liz looked more skeptical.
    “I can help you win even more money,” he promised, “and the odds are better. Plus, all the free top shelf liquor you can drink.” He poked at one of Noelle’s empty cranberry and vodka glasses as if it were something rotten. “No more of this cheap, watered-down shit.”
    “Oh, I don’t know,” Liz said, guarding her pile of chips.
    “Yeah,” Quinn agreed, “I just hit six hundred. I could do so much with this.”
    Blaze fixed his gaze on Noelle, his eyes boring into her. “What do you say?”
    Without thinking, Noelle smiled.
    “I’m in.”
    “Noelle,” Liz hissed, “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”
    Noelle flashed Liz a smile. “It’s totally fine, I swear. Plus, I want to make more money! How can I resist?”
    Quinn looked hesitant, too. “I don’t know, Noelle. I kind of agree with Liz. Let’s just take our winnings and head back to our room.” She glanced at her watch. “It’s nearly 2am. We can order some room service, then go to bed.”
    Noelle seemed to consider the offer for a moment, and then glanced back at Blaze. He stood a few feet away, looking dark and mysterious.
    “I think I’m going to go with him. I need this.”
    “Need what?” Quinn asked, rolling her eyes. “The money or a night with a hot guy?”
    Noelle laughed, feeling the alcohol. “Both! C’mon girls, this is good for me!”
    Liz bit her lip. “I don’t know, Noelle. I don’t like the idea of leaving you here alone with someone we just met.”
    At that, Blaze jumped in, gently placing his hand on the small of Noelle’s back, making her startle at the intimate touch.
    “Ladies, I promise I will take good care of Noelle and deposit her back at your hotel room before the sun rises.”
    Quinn and Liz exchanged looks, and finally Liz gave a small shrug.
    “Well...okay, but be careful.”
    Noelle grabbed her chips, and her clutch before giving Quinn and Liz air-kisses on their cheeks.
    “Don’t wait up for me,” she whispered.
    As Quinn and Liz disappeared toward the cashier, Noelle took Blaze’s outstretched hand.
    “You won’t regret this,” he whispered, pulling her body close to his. The proximity to a man other than Todd was strangely thrilling. Todd had been attractive in a safe, clean-cut kind of way. Blaze was sexy in the kind of way that made warning bells go off in Noelle’s head; in spite of that fact, she couldn’t stay away.
    Blaze wound his way through the bustling casino, keeping Noelle close to him. He led them to a discreet elevator tucked away in the corner, and pressed
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