told yourself. Your first season has only just begun, and until you are mated by your genetic match, it will not pass.” He revved the bike and a few moments later, the big bad wolf was gone.
Eleana sure hoped Gregor the Wicked was gone for good.
Chapter 6
“He was here last night, wasn’t he?” Steven said as Eleana sat down at the breakfast table to eat her toast. Her eight-year-old nephew Robert gave her that you-are-in-so-much-trouble look, grabbed his Pop Tart from the toaster and hurried out.
“Yeah, so what?” she said
“I don’t smell him on you.”
Eleana cringed uncomfortably. “Steven, please! What the hell do you think I am? I wouldn’t have slept with him.”
“The instinct to mate is a strong one. I wouldn’t have been surprised if you had. What I mean is…well, never mind,” he said, abandoning the subject.
“I know what you mean, and if you must know I sent him away.” She took two big bites of her toast. Talking about her love life, or lack thereof, was about as much fun as visiting her gynecologist.
Steven cut his sausage into tiny bite-sized pieces. “So what did he say?”
“Who? The Dire Wolf?”
“Yeah. I heard you leave the house last night. I know you met with him. What did he say to you?”
Eleana pushed her plate aside. What is this line of questioning leading to anyway? “He asked me about the last books I’d checked out from the library. What do you think he said?”
“Come on, Eleana,” Steven said defensively. “I’m just curious what the two of you talked about.”
“No, you come on. You know exactly what he wanted. What does any adult male wolf of any species want from a female?” Eleana stared at her brother and, not for the first time, saw no family resemblance between them. Where Steven was five foot eleven and stocky, she was six foot even and rather thin. Where he had light brown eyes and hair, she had green eyes and dark blond hair. Even their faces didn’t look anything alike. Sometimes she’d wondered if there was really any blood between them at all, and now, with all this happening…
“He’s brought you into your first season,” Steven said. “I’m kind of surprised the two of you didn’t…” he let the sentence trail off.
That was true and the unsettling truth that she might have some Dire Wolf in her made her stomach queasy. Could I be adopted? This whole thing was getting so confusing. “He’s the enemy of everything I hold dear. I’d never mate with him, no matter how he made me feel.”
Steven got up and gave her a strange smile. “Good. I was worried he’d be able to seduce you away from us but I’m glad you chose to stay.” He was just about to leave the kitchen when Pam appeared in the doorway with her arms folded. “Hello, dear,” he said, leaning in to kiss her.
She dipped back away from him. “This has gone on long enough,” she said. “You need to tell her the truth.”
Eleana felt the nervous sickness seep deeper into her stomach. Oh I don’t like the sound of this already. “What truth?”
Steven tried to push past his angry wife. “This isn’t really the time.”
“This is exactly the time,” he wife snapped. “She needs to know the truth before her body goes into full estrus. You owe her that much. Let her decide what to do knowing the full truth.”
Steven turned around and took his seat again. All her life, Eleana had always seen Steven as strong, competent and in control, but at this moment he looked close to tears. His Adam’s apple rose and fell as he swallowed several times.
Eleana tensed. Oh, I don’t know if I’m ready for this. This must be very bad news indeed.
“First off let me tell you that I’m sorry for the pain this information is going to cause you, but at the time it seemed like the best course of action.” He took a breath that lifted his chest and then he began. “As you may have suspected, you are not a werewolf like the rest of us. You