for the last time. My entire world had changed.
“I’m going to get out of this suit. Would you like something a little more comfortable?”
She softly nodded, and I led her upstairs. I pulled a t-shirt and sweatpants from my drawer and handed them to her.
“Where can I change?”
“Right here.”
Seriously? “Seriously, Grace? You know I’ve seen you naked.” I laughed, not realizing the severity of her somber state.
“I just…”
“You just what? I’m not going to jump your bones right after I just buried my father.”
“I know that.”
“Then why won’t you change in front of me?”
“I feel weird.”
“With me? God Grace, it’s not like you need to protect yourself from me.”
Her face dropped.
“What the hell? Are you scared of me?”
She took a breath before responding. “No.”
“Oh my God, you’re scared of me. What the fuck did I do?” Maybe her fear was warranted, as with each piece of dialogue my voice grew louder and deeper, but in my defense, it was not the reunion I had expected. She was supposed to be the antithesis of that terrible day. Why was she allowing it to swallow her up?
“Nothing.” Her breath was shallow.
“I must have done something to scare you like this.”
“You didn’t.” She was panicking, but I couldn’t control my anger. I tried to be reasonable. I would give her the time she needed before I touched her, but she was mine. She couldn’t deny me the sight of her body.
“Then take off your goddamn clothes.”
“Ryan, give me a second, please,” She begged.
“I’m not going to hurt you.”
“I know.”
“Do you?” Her pain stung me. I didn’t do anything to deserve her closed off demeanor. I had been nothing but open with her. I deserved for her to trust me. “Turn around.”
She stared at me, reluctant to move.
“Please Grace,” my voice cracked, “I need you to trust me. Today, I need that.”
I saw a change in her eyes. She didn’t reply, only lowered her head and turned around, offering her dress’s zipper to my hand. I slowly pulled the metal down, revealing her bare back. I breathed in her intoxicating scent and felt heat rush through my blood. I lied. I could easily take her right then and there. My Pops was in the ground, but I wasn’t. My body still had needs. It would be too easy. But my stronger need was to hold her trust. Careful to not touch her skin, I turned her around to face me. Her eyes closed as I pushed her sleeves from her arms, allowing her dress to fall to the floor. I saw now why she had been reluctant to show me her naked body.
My hand came to my mouth as I witnessed her brokenness. Every minute since, I had gotten to see the gashes her father had inflicted upon me, but they were nothing compared to what Sean had done to her. I lost control of the situation; I needed to touch her, to heal her. I wrapped my arms around her and drew her in. She gasped and struggled, but I pulled her tighter into my chest.
“Grace. Grace. Shhh, please. You’re okay. I promise. I promise.”
And she cried. She just kept crying as I held her. Her tears prompted mine. I had tried to be dead inside. I had tried to refuse to allow that night to touch me. But now, as the woman I loved was curled into my arms, I began to grieve.
“I’m going to get out of this suit. Would you like something a little more comfortable?”
I did. My black dress just reminded me of death. I would burn it if he offered me matches.
I followed Ryan upstairs, feeling the weight of the day with each step. I cautiously trailed him into a large bedroom. Any other day and I would’ve taken a few more minutes to admire its beauty. The bed was the focal point, with its posts reaching high to the ceiling, and a rich emerald canopy, the color of Ryan’s eyes, hanging from each corner. The thick