Beginnings (Brady Trilogy)

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Book: Beginnings (Brady Trilogy) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Aneta Krpekyan
consciousness. She quickly gasped forcing herself to breathe afraid if air didn’t hit her lungs soon she’d faint on him. She was alone with a man she barely knew on his territory and not an ounce of fear warned her to get the hell out. She didn’t fear him. In fact what scared her more was she was more drawn to him than ever before. She took desperate quick breaths urging her lungs to cooperate.
    “It’s ok.” Luke murmured and soothed. “Breathe slowly. You’re alright.”
    “I’m sorry.” She choked out. She shut her eyes furiously praying it would help hold back the tears.
    “Don’t be.” He whispered back. He was too puzzled for coherent words. What the hell did he just witness? A panic attack? Why? “What happened to you?” he finally asked.
    “Bad things.” She cried out.
    Her words shocked him. He wasn’t prepared for that answer. A thick wave of anger tightened his chest. He wanted to know who had hurt her and how they had done it. He wanted to hunt down the bastard who had inflicted pain upon her and make them suffer. He had never been this livid with frustration and rage. He fought back his own aggression. What she needed right now was help not a violent reaction from him to scare her more. And that’s exactly how Luke felt right now. Vicious towards anything who could have placed her in this position. His swift anger was so intensely deep it surprised and confused him.
      “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked as calmly as he could force him self to. She only shook her head. He wouldn’t pressure her. That’s not what she needed. They sat there quietly for some time while Luke tried to rub some warmth into her lifeless hands until Isabel managed to collect herself. He told her he would take her home but she insisted on driving. She wouldn’t allow embarrassing herself any further. The least he could do was follow her home and he wouldn’t hear any argument about it. They pulled to the back street behind the house of her beach front home. She parked and got out quickly reaching Luke’s door before he could exit his car.
    “Are you going to be all right?” he wanted to walk her to her door but could sense her hesitation. She was even avoiding looking into his eyes. She shakily tugged her hair behind her ear numerous times.
    “I’ll be fine. Thank you and I’m really sorry.” She managed to say.
    Luke let out a harsh breath. He was the type of man who did not like complications and dark holes. He liked to know the truth right away. But he knew this wasn’t his place to pry. It was killing him to know the truth so he could help her but he wouldn’t push. “Anything you need at any time you let me know okay?” His voice was stern. It became quickly important for Luke to make her understand she could trust him. “Don’t ever hesitate to come to me.”
    “I will.” She agreed. “Good night.” She walked inside her house, locked all the doors, turned on all her lights and was thankful Luke waited until she was safely inside. She saw his headlights pull away and let out a shaky breath. She checked the locks again and went to soak her misery in a long hot bath.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Luke stood inside the central ballroom of the Grand Hotel. He had greeted his guest s and spoke to the chairman of the organization. His entire executive staff was present. All but Isabel. Where the hell was she he thought? She was supposed to be there half an hour ago. He didn’t care that his assistant was late. He more feared she might not be feeling well again. He shouldn’t have left her alone like that. She seemed unstable. But what other choice did he have? He couldn’t invite himself into her house and pry into the life of a woman he barely knew. He was supposed to keep a platonic business relationship with her. He debated about calling her when Linda passed by and he caught her arm.
                  “Linda have you seen
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