a lifeline support. She didn’t deny she was attracted to him and found no harm in admiring him from a distance. Besides, a face like that was made to be admired.
“Are we all prepared for tomorrow’s event ?” he asked.
“Yes Ginger made sure it’s perfection until the last detail.”
“I think you can give yourself some credit as well don’t you think?” he gave her that smile again. The one that made her stomach turn inside out.
“I guess I can.” She blushed.
Luke was amused at how easily she became embarrassed and found her innocent glances very endearing. Sometimes he’d catch her staring and pretended he didn’t notice when she’s flush red. Besides he liked knowing he had such an effect on her. Definitely stroked his already confident ego. “None the less I’m pleased you are part of my team. You picked up where Rachel left off with ease and that means a great deal for me considering we are at the peak of our busiest season. We’re lucky to have you and my staff speaks highly of you. I’m pleased you’re here.” He smiled.
His appraisal baffled her. Isabel wanted to tell him how much these two weeks had meant to her. All those years working in the firm had drained her energy and lowered her self-esteem. Yet Luke and his staff in a matter of two weeks treated her as a prized possession and cherished her. She wanted to blurt out if it wasn’t for him, his company, the new job, and his wonderful staff, she would be at home curled up in a fetal position desperately hating her life. She wanted to say how safe and comfortable she felt. What this place was doing for her and how the change of lifestyle had made the greatest impact. That she was sleeping better, eating more and for the first time in a long time found meaning to her life. That she was beginning to find hope in her future. She wanted to say these things. Wanted someone other than her therapist and mother to know what she had lived through. But the pain was too strong to speak of.
“Isabel?” Luke’s brows drew together in confusion. He shuffled through his mind to recall any offensive statement he must have made but drew a blank. “Where did you go?” he saw the distant look in her eyes.
She stared blankly at his face. “I’m very lucky to be here.” She whispered a hoarsely reply. Yes she was very fortunate indeed. Fortunate to be alive . She could feel the tears burning in her eyes and cursed herself for it. Since the beginning of the year she was on a train wreck of emotions crashing through every town of bad anxiety a person could feel and none of the stops had ever reached Happy Ville. But now she was overwhelmed with joy and relief. Stunned by how swiftly her life was changing and she feared that this too would soon come to an end.
Luke was lost for words. He slowly walked towards her, held a hand gently to her elbow and walked her towards his couch. She looked as though any minute now she’ll break apart and begin crying. He lightly nudged her to sit and she complied. He walked over to his bar and poured her a tall glass of water. When he reached her again he noticed her face was pale and her hands were slightly shaking. He sat on his glass table directly across from her and held the glass to her lips urging her to drink. Once he set the glass down he took her hands inside his.
“Your hands are freezing.” He whispered. He rubbed his hands over hers to warm up her blood. When that didn’t help he brought them to his lips and blew warm breath to it. He lightly kissed her knuckles and set back to rubbing her hands.
The sweet gesture was what brought Isabel back to reality. Her therapist had told her at times during strong moments of emotion she tended to block herself out of reality to avoid experiencing mental pain. Her mental pain caused her physical torture and her brain involuntarily ordered her body to shut down. Stop her mind from thinking and her lungs from breathing. But Luke’s hands brought her back to
Carol Durand, Summer Prescott
Stella Price, Audra Price, S.A. Price, Audra