Bedroom Games
popped it open, and
went to the nearest stand—mine. I grabbed one without really
looking at it and watched as Liam held the box out to each
    Once they were all distributed, Becky’s voice
sounded through the speakers again. “Make your matches,
contestants. Oh, and you might notice that each lock has a room
name on it. That’s where you’ll be staying tonight with your
partner. If your lock has no room name on it, you’ll be sleeping on
the couches. Have fun, House Guests, and I’ll talk with you
    “Bye, Becky,” we chorused automatically.
    The challenge area went silent for a long
moment, and we all stared at each other.
    “Well, I’ve got good news and bad news,”
Brodie said, stepping forward and breaking the silence. He held up
his lock in one bright red, goop-smeared hand. “The good news is
that if your key matches my lock, you get me as a partner.”
    How is that good
news? I wanted to retort, but I bit it
back. Honestly, Brodie was the last person I wanted to pair up
with. Ugh.
    “And the bad news?” someone called.
    “The bad news is that I didn’t get a room, so
we’ll be couches,” Brodie said with a grimace.
    Bad news all around if you asked me.
    That broke the weird tension, though, and
people began to move around, greeting each other. I automatically
headed for my friend with the great smile. He made a beeline for
me, too, and raked a hand through his dark, gooey hair. “Sorry you
didn’t win,” he said, holding his lock out to me. “My name’s
    “I’m Kandis,” I told him with a smile. “And
that’s cool. You can’t win them all. I’ll just have to win the next
one. Now cross your fingers and hope this works,” I told him and
tried my key in his lock.
    It wouldn’t go in.
    I gave Jendan a disappointed look. “No
    “Shoot. I was hoping it was you.”
    He sure was cute. I gave him a flirty smile.
“I was hoping it was you, too. Doesn’t mean we can’t work together
    “I like the way you think,” he said with a
chuckle. “We’ll talk later.”
    I nodded and glanced around for someone else.
The elderly man was standing nearby, so I held my key up gamely and
approached him. “Do you have a partner yet?”
    “Not yet,” he told me. “Name’s Casper.”
    I introduced myself again and tried my key.
No go. “I am just not having much luck today,” I joked, and I
headed for someone else.
    When the next key didn’t
work, I began to get nervous. Oh no. Surely I wouldn’t be Brodie’s
partner. Surely not. Surely I wasn’t that unlucky. Anyone that had
watched The World Races would know that Brodie was a total first class jerk, and
they’d be gunning to get him out of the house. Heck, I wanted him
gone already myself.
    I turned around and saw Brodie standing
nearby. He waved his lock at me, that cocky smirk on his face.
“Wanna give me a shot, beautiful?”
    Ugh. He really was obvious. Might as well get
it over with, though. I headed his way, a tight smile on my face.
“Does that ever work?”
    “Does what ever work?” he asked.
    “That smarmy schtick of yours? Hitting on
anything with a pair of tits and hoping you’ll get a response?” I
held my key up, indicating that he should hand me his lock so I
could try it.
    “You tell me,” Brodie said, still grinning
despite my acerbic words. “You interested?”
    “Only in booting you,” I said sweetly, unable
to hold my tongue when it came to him. It didn’t matter if I made
an enemy of Brodie; he wouldn’t be around long enough for me to
care if I needed his help or not.
    To my horror, my key slid into his lock with
a perfect little snick.
    “Looky there,” Brodie said, a drawl evident
in his words. “We’re a match made in heaven.” His arm went around
my shoulders and he hugged me against him, ignoring my stiff body
and shocked face. “Guess you can’t boot me unless you have a
deathwish, huh, beautiful?” he whispered in my ear.
    House Guests was
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