Bedroom Games
    I laughed, surprised. “A psychic, huh?”
    She focused her gaze on me, sharp and
bird-like. “Don’t believe me? I can tell your future. Give me your
    Oh boy. Here we go. I obediently extended my
dirty hand, giving Jendan a wry look. First we were rooming in a
haunted house, and now one of the House Guests was a psychic. What
    Lenore’s finger traced down the center of my
palm. “You’re very athletic and you love to dance.”
    I snatched my hand away,
giving a nervous laugh. “You got that wrong. I’m a klutz. Jendan
will tell you all about how I fell on him.” God, way to sell me out on day one, lady .
    “So what do you do for a living, Kandis?”
Jendan asked me.
    “I’m a student,” I lied.
    “No, you’re not,” Lenore said.
    I wondered how bad it would look if I
attacked a psychic on the first day? I just kept smiling tightly
and ignored her. “Whatever you say, Lenore.”
    “You’re also going to find your true love in
this house,” Lenore told me. “I know these kinds of things.”
    “I’m not here to fall in love,” I protested,
and that was the truth. I wanted that money.
    Lenore shrugged and wandered away.
    Jendan and I exchanged a look, and I twirled
a finger at my ear, indicating questionable sanity. “So I thought
Brodie would be the worst one to partner with. Now I’m not so
    Jendan chuckled at my words. “She does seem a
few bats shy of a belfry. Speaking of, where is your partner?”
    “Somewhere out there flirting with Sunnie.” I
shrugged. “Don’t know, don’t care. As far as I’m concerned, I’m
playing this game solo.”
    “You don’t have to.”
    “Oh?” I perked up. Jendan looked as if he was
here to play the game to win, just like me. Some of the people here
seemed as if they were on the show to hang out or hook up. Mactors.
Jendan was here with ambition—it was evident in every line of his
face. He was a kindred spirit. “What are you suggesting?”
    He gave me a subtle smile, glancing around to
see if anyone else was looking our way. No one was. “You have to
have someone to trust in this game. You and me—final two deal.
Secret alliance. We take each other to the end.”
    “I like the way you think.”
    “Like I said, I’ve got your back,” Jendan
    “I’ve got yours,” I agreed quietly, and then
I leaned in. “So who’s your partner?”
    “Marla,” he said. “Short hair. About
    “Soccer mom?”
    “That’s her,” he said, grinning. “She’s nice.
I just worry she won’t be great in challenges.”
    “You don’t know that,” I
told him, glancing at the showers again. They were still in there. And men
said women took a long time showering? They’d clearly never met
Mickey or Casper.
    “Well, look out for Marla. She’s
spear-heading the ‘get out Katy, Liam, and Brodie’ movement.”
    “I’ll look out for her,” I told him. “Thanks
for the heads up.”
    I wanted them gone as much as the next
person, but since I was saddled with Brodie, I needed them around.
As long as Katy and Liam were here, they’d be a bigger target than
Brodie because they’d already won money. And I didn’t want to be
the first one out the door.
    “Kandis, please come to the confession
booth,” a voice piped in through the intercom. “Kandis, please come
to the confession booth.”
    “Ugh. I can’t even shower first?” I made a
face and hopped down from the counter. “Save me some hot water,
    “No promises,” he called back after me, and I
padded through the house in dirty, bare feet, a towel wrapped
around my dirty, sticky body.
    There was a locked door in the living room
with a red light on it. It flicked to green as I watched, and I
tested the handle. It opened, and I stepped through, eyeing my
surroundings. There was a long, shadowy hall, and at the far end of
the hall, there was a door labeled “PRIVATE”.
    The confessional. I headed
toward it and knocked. No answer. I tested
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