bedeviled & beyond 07 - beset & bewildered
    The hound stirred and Astra threw it a glare. “Don’t even think about moving, Caninra.”
    The thing lowered its head and gave what sounded very much like a sigh. Then its fur erupted in waves of shiny ripples and disappeared with a sizzling sound. I blinked in surprise at the tall, strongly built woman standing in its place. She fixed me with a hostile look as if blaming me for the presence of my sister, the haughty Queen of whatever she and Dialle decided they needed to rule. I took a page from Slayer’s playbook and shrugged. “I didn’t invite my sister here.”
    Astra cocked a hip. “Well frunk me.”
    I slid my gaze her way. “What?”
    “You’re apologizing to the Keeper of the Hounds on my account?”
    “Queen of the Hounds,” my formerly furry guest clarified.
    Astra slid her a look. “Button it, Caninra.”
    The woman pursed lush red lips, her pale jaw tightening at the rebuke. “We have not come to an accord as yet, Queen Astra. You have no right to speak thus to me.”
    “When you sneak around behind my back, trying to get my sister to support your case I have every right to speak to you like I want. You broke the rules, Fire Bitch.”
    I sucked air, expecting the beautiful, naked woman standing a few feet away from me to take umbrage at the name calling. Instead she smiled, her eyes flashing briefly orange. “My business with your sister is none of your concern.”
    Astra’s green gaze flashed too, but hers didn’t spit fire, only pure old fashioned pique. “I’ll remember that when you come to us with another proposition, Caninra.” Astra glanced my way. “I’ll see you two at the royal dungeon, as soon as you put out the dog.”
    She disappeared with a shimmery pop. My guest went rigid, her eyes snapping fiercely and her fists clenched. She began to pace the length of my kitchen, her delicate white feet slapping angrily against the stones.
    I glanced at Slayer. What in Hades is going on?
    For a moment Slayer didn’t appear to hear me. His black-flecked golden gaze was fixed unwaveringly on our underdressed visitor. I smacked him in the gut.
    Grunting, he slowly tore his gaze away from her. Always with the violence, partner.
    I wouldn’t need to hit you if you weren’t ogling the client!
    A beautiful naked woman is pacing in front of me. What do you want me to do, close my eyes?
    I pointed to my chin. You have a little drool right here.
    Har de har har.
    We need to figure out what’s going on. I have a feeling we just stepped right in the middle of some political quagmire.
    “I hope you aren’t going to refuse me,” our not yet-ex-client said.
    Slayer and I turned at the sound of her smoky voice. She’d stopped pacing and was facing us, hands on hips and legs spread. The pose made it very clear the woman was comfortable with her nakedness.
    Unfortunately I was not. I elbowed Slayer again just for good measure. He glared back at me.
    “Oh. Erm. Yeah, about that...”
    She hurried forward and I blanched, realizing she was bringing her buck naked self right into my personal space.
    Slayer grinned.
    I flung up a hand. “Whoa there. You’re fine where you are.”
    Slayer blipped away and I nearly growled. I couldn’t believe he’d deserted me.
    But I didn’t even have time to get a full mad on before he blipped back. I was vastly relieved to see he had a robe in his hand. He tossed it to the dog woman.
    Hey, that’s my favorite robe. It’s gonna smell all smoky.
    Would you rather she keep pacing around naked because, if I get a vote...
    Stop talking.
    The hound queen slipped my robe over her arms and snugged it around her waist with brisk motions. Beneath the thick fall of midnight black hair, her expression was taut, worried.
    I decided she deserved to be heard. “Okay, tell us why you’re here. Starting with the gargoyle fang.”
    She shoved hair off her face and bit her bottom lip. I noted the small, perfectly white teeth and realized with a shock
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