her husband, but is an essential need to his being a man, is treasured beyond measure.
Getting and Keeping His Attention
So how can a wife attract and keep her husband’s attention? Men like to chase—after all, they were hunters for thousands of years. To chase and catch a woman is enticing and exciting, and a man wants his woman to be receptive after she is caught. But sometimes if he’s disinterested, a wife can try too hard in this area.
If things are not heating up as often as you’d like, try something different, but don’t try so hard. If you’ve been doing everything you can think of short of attacking him, try a new tactic: tone it down a little. Being alluring is sometimes a better way to capture a man’s attention than an all-out attack. Some men are intimidated by a sexually aggressive woman. They feel it puts pressure on them to perform, and especially as they get older, pressure is not good. Try letting your husband have the thrill of the chase. Consider wearing something slightly enticing, letting him get a glimpse, then walking away as if you are way too busy to be interested in sex.
Things to Think About
A woman’s sexuality may be the most powerful influence she has going for her regarding her man. A woman’s strong persuasion in this area can help change, grow, and improve not only her man’s life but hers as well.
Unfortunately, a woman who has been sexually abused, especially by her father, often does not recognize this power. Or if she does, she often abuses it. This woman’s sexual development has been stunted or cruelly torn asunder by the one man who should have taught her to feel loved and protected by a man. Her innocence was stolen by a thief in the night.
Women who do not enjoy the sexual aspect of their femininity do not fully understand or appreciate the influence they have at their disposal. Some women use their sexuality as a weapon. Some are afraid of the power it gives them and run from it. Some have been damaged so badly in this area that they carry the wounds for a lifetime. For them, their sexuality is a burden, not a blessing.
The healthiest way for a woman to realize the potential of this gift from God is to have her needs for romance met. (See the chapter “Women’s Mood #1: Romantic.”) She is then able to use her influence in this area in a beneficial and life-giving manner.
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made —Love the fact that God made him so different.
While women need romance, men don’t like or are uncomfortable with romance.
Men look at romance as a prelude to sex and often don’t understand a woman’s need for nonsexual affection.
When men are physically stimulated, it is difficult for them to focus on anything else.
A man wants to know his woman desires him physically.
Men need variety in this area.
Get inside His Head
Sex is more than just a physical need for a man.
A man cannot truly feel loved if he is not having his sexual needs satisfied.
Men think about sex often throughout the day.
Words Have Meaning
Words That Heal
“I have the best man in the whole world.”
“I respect you more than any man I’ve ever met.”
“You are a good man.”
“I want you—now!”
Words That Hurt
“I have a headache.”
“Not again. . . . There must be something wrong with you.”
“You just don’t turn me on.”
“Why can’t you be more like [fill in the blank]?”
Men’s Mode # 2
Every Man’s Bane, Every Man’s Blessing
Not to be needed is slow death for a man.
John Gray
W ork for a man is like talking for a woman. Work seems to be a core part of his essential being. He ties a great deal of his personal value to his work. A friend of mine says that work gives a man the same sense of pride and self-identity as motherhood does a woman. Work satisfies two basic needs in a man—the need to provide for his family and the need to protect his family. Many women think a