Becoming His Muse, Part Two

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Book: Becoming His Muse, Part Two Read Online Free PDF
Author: KC Martin
teacher here got himself locked out on the Dean’s balcony.”
    “Oh?” I clear my throat, force myself to meet Logan’s eyes, which narrow to a glare when he sees me.
    Dr. T readjusts the box in his arm. He’s still chuckling as we get in the elevator.
    “Lucky thing I popped in for a few extra glasses or he might have frozen out there.”
    “The valiant Sir Richard rescued me,” says Logan, his glare sharpening into blame.
    “Hope that cigarette was worth it,” says Dr. T, looking up at the elevator lights.
    I glance at Logan, try to say sorry with my eyes, to plead for forgiveness. His glare turns devilish, as if he’s enjoying my silent squirming. He and I are at the back of the elevator, with Dr. T in front. I hold onto the back railing. Logan leans against it. Feeling as if I’ve royally messed things up between us, I sigh and stare up at the numbers counting down. Then I feel Logan’s fingers next to mine. It’s like an electric shock. I meet his sidelong glance and see his eyes glittering with a hidden smile. Maybe I didn’t completely mess things up…?
    The elevator doors open. Logan retracts his fingers before Dr. T turns around.
    “My car’s this way,” he says.
    Even though I’m not helping to carry anything, I follow along, hoping for a chance to talk to Logan.
    Dr. T unlocks a little white sports car.
    "Sweet wheels," says Logan. "Aston Martin? Circa '64?"
    "'66," says Dr. T, patting the hard top. "My pride and joy"
    Once everything is in Dr. T’s car, Logan says, “Thanks again, Rich. You are a true Knight in Shining Armor. I honestly have no idea how that latch got locked. Guess it was when I closed the door to keep the smoke from wafting into the Dean’s office.”
    Dr. T laughs again. “Gotta keep an eye out for the new guy. But be careful. You’re going to get caught one day, Mr. O’Shane. Try not to. It’s nice having you around.”
    So my favorite teacher and my infatuated teacher have become friends it seems.
    Logan looks up and around. “Speaking of being new… I still get turned around on this campus.”
    “I’d give you a ride back to the faculty apartments but the pedestrian routes are faster than driving around the periphery.” Dr. T’s frown lifts to a smile. “Hey, Ava knows this campus like the back of her hand. Can you show Mr. O’Shane the way?”
    “Um. Sure.” I shove my hands in the pockets of my coat feeling grateful for the set up.
    “But wait,” says Dr. T. “Ava you shouldn’t be out walking alone at night.”
    “Don’t worry about me. I’ve got my pepper spray.” I pat my empty pocket. Usually I do have it with me, but it’s in my backpack right now.
    “If Ava can point me in the right direction I will ensure she gets back to her dorm safely,” says Logan.
    “Good. She’s precious this one. Keep her safe, Mr. O’Shane.”
    “Cross my heart and hope to die.”
    Dr. T nods to us both and then folds himself into his stylish Aston Martin. As the engine roars to life, we start walking away, keeping a ‘professional’ distance between us.
    “Look, I’m really, really sorry about earlier,” I start to say.
    “I had to look like a fool to cover that up,” says Logan. “Locking myself out on a balcony.” He’s shaking his head in disbelief.
    “It’s all I could think of to get rid of Ruby. I’m sorry. Are you really mad?”
    In the dark I can’t tell if he’s serious or not.
    “Again, I’m super sorry.”
    “I just want to know how you’re going to make it up to me.”
    “Do you want to lock me out on a balcony?”
    “Hmmm…” He seems to be considering this. “Maybe naked?”
    In this weather? “I didn’t think you were the vengeful type.”
    “Not really, but I won’t pass up a good opportunity that comes my way. Your sincere repentance seems like a good one.”
    “A little time on your knees might do the trick.”
    I gulp. I also feel an unexpected tingle in my
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