Beautiful Salvation
corner of her bedroom.
    A golden sconce set into the wall held an unlit candle. Aiyana closed her hand around the cool metal and pulled, releasing the catch that held the door to the secret passageway closed. The stone grated against the floor and she tensed, holding her breath as she listened for any indication that the guards had heard the noise. After several minutes of silence, she let out her breath and slipped into the passageway, closing the door behind her as gently as she could.
    The passageway was pitch black, but Aiyana knew the way. She trailed a hand along the sleek carved stone wall, counting her paces and feeling carefully for the shallow staircase. The darkness calmed her, helped her to clear her mind. By the time she’d emerged from the passageway out into the gardens, her hands were no longer shaking and she could breathe evenly again.
    The smell of roses perfumed the night air and Aiyana savored the light scent. The full moon lit the gardens with a silvery glow and she couldn’t help but smile as she wound her way into the maze of hedges that formed a simple labyrinth of flowers and towering ceiba trees. She trailed a finger over the velvety rose petals blossoming from the midst of the carefully carved bushes on either side of her as she passed.
    The sound of metal sliding against metal rang out suddenly in the silence. It was the unmistakable sound of a blade and Aiyana whirled around, hands out in front of her. The power inside her, never having truly gone back to its slumber after her nightmare, pulsed like a living thing under her skin, eager to be set free. The sharp tips of her claws crept from her fingernails, aching to slice through something warmer than a wooden door.
    “Your Majesty?”
    The male voice was gentle, calm even as it asked the question. Okomi, the royal gardener, slowly stepped out from behind one of the rose bushes. His sable hair was pulled into twin braids that fell to his shoulders and his clothes were simple loose cotton pants and shirt, the dark moss-colored fabric brushed with dry brown dirt and spotted with rich dark brown soil. Aiyana’s attention fell to the heavy pruning shears he held in his hands and a wicked blush heated her cheeks.
    “Okomi, I’m sorry.” She forced her lips into a smile. “You startled me.” She tucked her hands into her cloak, hoping the gardener hadn’t seen her claws.
    “Forgive me, Your Highness.” Okomi bowed, his dark hair taking on a pale blue sheen under the moon’s rays. His weather-creased face wrinkled further as he raised his eyes back to her. “The days have been very hot, I thought I could get some of my work done this evening while the moon gives me enough light. I hope I haven’t displeased you?”
    “Oh, no,” Aiyana rushed to assure him. Her mind whirled, struggling to think of a reason she was out in the garden in the middle of the night with no escort. “I just wanted a little space to myself. Thankfully, I managed to convince the guards to observe from the tower. Though I do feel silly with them standing there, spears waiting.” She glanced up at the window in one of the castle towers and offered a little wave to the guards she’d pretended were there.
    The gardener didn’t follow her gesture. “A little fresh air can be good for the soul. It is nice that they let you wander alone in your gardens. It must be difficult being the king and queen’s only child, always surrounded by armed guards. Perhaps a little overprotected.” He inspected a rose bush, lifting a limp branch here and there. “Especially considering you are not without your own defenses.”
    Aiyana’s lips parted as she stared at Okomi. She’d seen the gardener often, since the rose garden was one of her favorite places to spend the afternoon. But though they’d exchanged a pleasantry or two over the beauty of Okomi’s work, she’d never had the impression the gardener thought they were on more
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