Bearly Accidental (Accidentally Paranormal Book 12)

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Book: Bearly Accidental (Accidentally Paranormal Book 12) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dakota Cassidy
Tags: General Fiction
“Boom, baby! Shit just got real!”
    Wow, this woman really did take extreme pleasure in the awkward.
    Wanda’s eyes flashed angry and bright as she approached. “And you know this how, Teddy ?”
    Teddy folded her hands in front of her and edged backward. Wanda’s wrath was real, and she didn’t want to invoke any more than was necessary.
    “I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but you guys were really loud out there in the forest. So, I sort of heard bits of your conversations about vampires and all. But I’m still not sure what you are.”
    Marty rasped a sigh and shook her head in obvious understanding. She swiped her index finger in the air. “That’s what that smell is. It’s you!” She pointed at Teddy. “I don’t mean to offend. I mean, I honestly thought you’d just neglected to shower or use deodorant or whatever. I kept getting whiffs of damp fur and mud mixed in with Nina’s bite-sized Snickers.”
    Teddy fought the impulse to sniff her armpits. She’d showered today…
    Nina rose now, too, towering over Teddy. At five-seven, she’d never felt so small. The woman’s nostrils flared, but she shook her head. “That means Katniss Tranquilizer Gun here is paranormal, too. So what are you and why can’t anyone define you by your fucking scent? Shit, I hope it’s something new. I’m damn tired of vampires and werewolves.”
    Teddy stretched her neck upward, shoving her hands inside the pockets of her down vest. No backing down, no matter how big and scary. And if Nina was anything, she was intimidating. Yet there was a hint of vulnerability to her Teddy didn’t understand.
    “What are you ?”
    Nina rolled her tongue in her cheek, squinting one almond-shaped eye as she cocked her head. “Former vampire.”
    That explained the discontent she’d sensed earlier. “Former?”
    “Long fucking story, part of the reason we’re here. Now ante up or I’ll have you breathing through your belly button in ten seconds flat.”
    “So you’re officially human now? No super vampire powers to speak of?”
    “Then I’d like to see you try.”
    Nina’s gaze was straight on and deadlocked on Teddy’s face. Her posture changed, her body language riddled with tension so real, she was like a bow ready to snap an arrow off. “Correct me if I’m fucking wrong, but am I hearing a challenge from your ruby-red lips?”
    “You’re hearing my defense in regards to your threat. I like breathing from my mouth, thank you.”
    Marty grabbed at Nina’s arm, dragging her out of her imposing stance. “This is exactly what I mean. You no longer have the muscle to back up the claims, bully! If you keep this up, you’re going to get us all killed one day. Do you want this to end the way it did with that poor man Eddie in the parking lot of the Dollar Store?”
    Nina rolled her eyes in response, shaking Marty off. “Oh, fuck off. He deserved to have his shit handed to him. He was parked in a damn wheelchair parking spot. I just told him so.”
    “No. That’s not the entire story. He was picking up his elderly mother, Mad Dog. He almost took your head off with a tire iron when you went at him like some sort of raging bull, Nina! And now that you’re human, a guy the size of a fully stocked fridge can do you some serious harm. You made me make him doubt his manhood after I got done sticking up for you. In front of his mother!” she howled in outrage. “Now for the last time, back the hell off, and stop trying to fill a role you no longer fit the requirements for!”
    This particular admission left Teddy with instant remorse. How odd would it be to lose the part of her that had its own way of life? To lose the people closest to her because she didn’t have the same needs, the same abilities, the same struggles they did? It had to be like an average student ending up in the class for Mensa members.
    Nina was struggling. With this huge change in her life, with her friends’ resistance to the changes,
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