there’s a happy ending involved.”
Don’t Panic
I don’t see Kye much for the next few weeks. I’ve never even talked to the guy and my stomach ties in knots at the simple thought of his ocean-blue eyes. It makes no sense. But then, very little in my life actually makes sense these days.
I know he comes to school—just not to drama class. We pass each other in the hall occasionally, and I feel his presence like a palpable thing. He ignores me, so I return the favor, bothered by the fact that he feels so familiar and I can’t figure out why.
Eating lunch with Rose and Jen becomes a daily habit. Rose’s cheerful yellow aura mixes with Jen’s purplish-blue to form a calming deep green. It’s no wonder they’re friends—they bring each other balance. Interesting things happen when they’re around, and I look forward to Rose’s nonstop chatter. The two of them are relentless when discussing their plans for the trip. They insist I come, and work devilishly to talk me into it.
Then there’s Eric, who is relentless in a different way.
“I’ll bet you a dollar I can make you fall in love with me by the end of the month.” He says when he catches up with me after drama and walks with me to history.
“Is that all my love is worth?” I lick my lips, wondering what makes the air in Jackson taste metallic and why I shiver every time Eric is around.
“Fine then, twenty dollars.”
I dig through my bag, looking for gum, and ignore the instinct to jump away when Eric’s cool arm brushes mine. “It doesn’t seem fair to take money I’ve done nothing to earn.” I back up, putting distance between us on the premise of offering him a piece of gum. “But I’ve never been a girl to pass up easy money, either.”
“Oh, you’ll earn it. Anyway, I have no intention of letting you win. I’m going to start by escorting you to the party this weekend.”
My memory flashes to an intense gaze shared across a stage. What’s wrong with me? Why do I feel like going out with Eric is cheating? “Party?” I ask.
“Uh, yeah. Well, it isn’t officially hosted by the school, technically. It’s in Yellowstone.”
Oh no, not him too. “Did Rose put you up to this?”
He looks confused. “What?”
“Never mind.” I sigh. It’s not fair for me to pretend I like him. “Look, I was joking. I can’t go out with you, and I’m not letting you make all kinds of effort just to win a bet. Besides, I’m not going to Yellowstone.”
His shoulders slump. “You have so little faith in my abilities. It’s discouraging.”
I stop in front of my locker and dial the combination. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m not into the whole teenagers falling in love thing. Even if I was, I never stay put long enough for it to happen. I’m a waste of your time.”
Eric leans on the locker next to mine, his head cocked to the side. “How long have we known each other?”
“Three weeks.” I retrieve my history book and slam the locker shut.
“Three weeks,” he repeats, steering me in the direction of our classroom. “And I’ve seen you spend time with two people. Rose and Jen. Do you not know how many guys in this school are dying to ask you out?”
Obviously not Kye. I snort. Stupid that I even care. “You’re such a liar. You’re the only guy who’s actually spoken more than one sentence to me since I moved here. I might as well be invisible.”
Now it’s his turn to snort. “Abby! You’re anything but invisible.”
“Whatever. It’s not like I fit in.” I stop to sip from the water fountain, hoping it’ll ease the almost constant dry burn in my throat.
“The problem is that you’re so quiet you seem almost standoffish, untouchable. I thought you were a snob at first. Do you realize I tried to talk to you three times before you actually responded?”
“You did not.”
“Yeah, Abby, I did. But you were busy observing ... other people.”
Have I really stared that much? Crap. Heat creeps
Rebecca Alexander, Sascha Alper