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Book: Barred Read Online Free PDF
Author: Paisley Walker
poets.  He turned to The Raven and read the passages.  “Nevermore.” 
    He closes the book and places it back on the shelf, turning away.  “I must stop thinking of her.  We are nevermore.”  He shakes his head and walks over to the bar in his office.  He grabs a crystal tumbler, putting some ice into it before pouring a helping of bourbon.  He walks back to his chair, sitting in it and spinning it to look over the busy streets of downtown.  He stirs the glass in his hand before bringing it to his lips.  He takes a long sip, letting the sting of the alcohol slide down his throat.  The burn, a welcome pain as it travels down his esophagus to his stomach.  He thinks of what Jonathon says, but what he said was true.  He wanted to share her with Jonathon.  Whether Jonathon realized it or not, he saw the way his eyes lit up when Kimberly came into the office that day.  He drinks another sip as the liquid starts to numb his throat and insides.  He picks up the file and decides to call Kimberly. 
    “Hello?” She asks after three rings.
    “Kimberly, this is Emerson.” 
    “Hi… How are you?”
    “I’m well, and you?”
    “A little sore. Honestly.”
    “Well… I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner tonight? Maybe we can discuss your case over a meal?” He asks after he lets out a chuckle.
    “Great… I will pick you up around seven.”
    With that, he hangs up the phone.  Pleased that he will get to see her again, but contemplating on whether or not he should invite Jonathon on the outing.  He stands, knowing it wouldn’t be right to leave his best friend and business associate out of this dinner. He walks the short distance to the other office on the floor. He pushes the door open as he sets his glass down on the bookshelf outside the door. Better to not let his partner know that he was drinking during business hours.
    “Everything okay?” Jonathon asks, sitting up straight in his chair.
    “Of course. I have invited Ms. Weston to dinner to discuss her case. Would you like to attend?”
      “Keeping secrets now, brother?  So unlike you.” 
    “Shut the hell up. Do you want to come or not?”
    “Of course! I am all for coming inside Ms. Weston as well.” He responds as the corner of his lips curl into a smile.
    “Well, that makes two of us. Be ready for six thirty.”
    “Got it boss.” He retorts, saluting Emerson before going back to an e-mail he was typing. 
    Emerson walks out of Jonathon’s office grabbing the tumbler.  He takes a sip before walking over to his secretary.  “Julie?”  He asks the blonde-headed woman in front of him.  She has been working for him for two years now.  She is probably in her mid-twenties and very good at her job.  Easy on the eyes too.
    “Yes, Mr. Stanley?”
    “Would you please send some flowers to this address? It is for a client. Make them from both Mr. Phillips and myself.”
    “Of course, sir.” She smiles and he returns it as he makes his way back into his office. 
    He walks to the office, pulling open the closet door and grabbing the gym bag inside.  He walks back out and past Julie. 
    “I’ll be back in a few hours.  Forward calls to my cell please.”
    “Yes sir.  Have a nice workout.”
    “Thank you, Julie.” He replies, stepping into the elevator.  Remind myself to get that woman some flowers as well, he thinks.  He walks out of the elevator as it comes to a stop at the first floor.
    “Going out Mr. Stanley?”  Nicole asks while he makes his way past her.
    “Yes, please make sure Jonathon is called if anything is needed.”
    “Of course.  Enjoy your day.” 
    “You as well.”
    He makes his way to his car. Throwing the bag in his passenger seat, he slides behind the wheel.  Driving the car gives him peace in his sometimes chaotic life.  He cranks the engine before sliding the car into reverse.  Leaving the parking lot, he peels out.  He may be thirty but something in the
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