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Book: Awakening Read Online Free PDF
Author: Gillian Colbert
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary, Azizex666
melon-scented candles. She’d added a few drops of almond oil to the water and the silky heat was soothing, but that edge was still there.
    It definitely wasn’t the atmosphere that was preventing her from relaxing. She’d spent a lot of time on her bathroom to get it just right. She’d always wanted a bathroom that felt like a spa. The walls were a delicate blue with white wainscoting. Her tub was tucked into the alcove formed by the bay window and had shelving installed at either end for her candles and jars of oil. When she did soak, she liked to crack the wooden shade to gaze at the night sky or to cloud watch depending on the time of day. The rest of the bathroom was functional and efficient, with a separate shower tucked into one corner. A white vanity and large mirror took up the wall opposite the tub. White tile and stainless steel fixtures rounded out the decor. She was neat by nature and didn’t like clutter, so the only things on top of her vanity were her toothbrush and toothpaste and a bottle of soap. Everything else was efficiently organised in bins and baskets under the sink.
    She knew what was going on; she just didn’t want to face it. Ever since she’d read that story in Finding Herself it had been as if she had ants under her skin. She’d also stayed aroused. Her jeans had rubbed against her the entire walk home. Once inside, she’d changed into some sweats just to relieve the pressure before letting Chester out of his crate. To make matters worse, as if she weren’t uncomfortable enough, he’d barrelled into her and shoved his face into her crotch before quirking his head and looking up at her inquiringly. How embarrassing that the dog she’d had for two years had never scented sexual arousal on her, making it a new scent that needed cataloguing. She’d pushed him away and made him sit, but it had embarrassed her nonetheless.
    After walking Chester and dealing with the usual nasty looks she got every time she took her Pitbull out in the little urban, artsy community she lived in, she’d come home and fixed a simple garden salad and a glass of Sangria for dinner. As she ate, she’d reflected on the exchange with Bibliophile’s owner. She didn’t understand why he’d asked her to come back after being so obviously disgusted with her. She’d meant it when she’d said she had no intention of returning to the store. She was mortified at her behaviour and humiliated at his having witnessed it. He’d seemed sincere, though. At least, she’d thought he’d gotten over whatever the issue was until she’d called him sir. Then he’d acted as if she’d stabbed him with a hot poker.
    She’d really loved the store, though. And she wanted to go back. It was cosy and the atmosphere was so welcoming – well, if you left Mr Rugged, make that Evan, out of the picture. The reading area just screamed “make yourself at home” and the coffee had been excellent. She’d ended up losing complete track of the time and that had been due just as much to the setting as it had been to the story. Hell, it was a free country and sooner or later she was going to have to start living her own life. With a nod, Claire decided she’d go back one more time and see how things went.
    None of these ruminations, however, helped her get past her tension. Her muscles were beginning to ache. She’d finally given up on relaxing without intervention and had turned to the tub. Usually a soak relaxed her to the point of nodding off, but no such luck tonight. Tonight, her body had other ideas.
    Her dilemma at the moment was that she couldn’t wait any longer, but she didn’t usually masturbate like this and she was uncomfortable. The story had been so graphic and detailed. Carol’s body had been catalogued in its texture and taste and, frankly, Claire wondered if any of it was true. She had never read such graphic descriptions and she certainly had never touched herself directly. Well, she’d done it when Charlie had
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