
Aura Read Online Free PDF

Book: Aura Read Online Free PDF
Author: M.A. Abraham
years ago he would have never believed Thorn capable of such romantic drivel, now he could only wonder at where his thoughts had originated from, and why he continued to believe in his vision with such unswerving faith.

This was just not in character with the man Thorn presented himself to be.  A seasoned warlord he held a reputation second to none as a champion amongst men.  He was a great leader, one whom men would lay down their lives for.  He was also known for his wisdom and fairness, both on the battlefield and off.  Men flocked to his side to serve under him, which allowed him the pick of the best fighters in the land and thus the best fighting force known.

Women also seemed to revere the great warlord, throwing themselves at him whenever the chance arose, and at one time he used to enjoy the attention, albeit with a moderate tendency, to indulge in the feast offered.  Over the last few years, however, Thorn had taken no woman to his bed, believing it would hurt his cause.  The abstinence had only added to his attraction as far as the ladies were concerned.

Edmund remembered asking his wife, Elisabeth, what it was that women saw in his older brother that attracted them so much.  She had smiled at him, then, looking at Thorn, reported her thoughts.

"He is like a hero of old, yet so chivalrous as to be Godlike.  His sable hair waves and curls so fine it makes one wonder how it would feel to run one’s fingers through it.  At the same time the electric blue of his eyes, fringed as they are with almost sinfully long, black and lush lashes beacon, as do his wide and generous lips.  Then there is his body, so hard and lean as to make one feel as if one would be safe held against him in the haven of his arms, yet not so safe that one would not find oneself carried away by the heaven one was sure he could offer in his bed."

She had thankfully then told him that she preferred a man with lighter coloring, making sure he understood she was more than happy that such a man had chosen her to be his wife.

A few hours after lying back down to rest they had risen, dressed and prepared for the new day.  As the sun rose in the morning, a lad handed each of the warlords their helmet after mounting their warhorses.  The lads then ran for their own horses.  They were about to join another of the Duke Vernon's battle forces, and it was time they were on their way.

"Edmund, to my side," Thorn ordered as he started off, and his brother fell in beside him.  "After the battle I would like to go through your fortress formations with you and discuss some changes, if you do not mind."

"Of course not.  Your presence will also please Elisabeth.  She claims we never see enough of you since you decided to relocate."

"It was time to move on Edmund, you know that as well as I, and so does Elisabeth, when it comes to that.  Vernon's offer of owning the neighboring district was too good to turn down."

"More for him than you, we all knew his aim was to secure his Western borders.  Nobody could have done that as well as you.  What surprised everyone was how you could just walk away from the home that was your birthright.  It is your stronghold Thorn, not mine."

"As far as I am concerned it is in good hands little brother."  Thorn spoke with a fond smile.  "Besides, I wish to build one of my own, a larger one to house my growing forces, Glenat was getting cramped."

"If the campaign doesn't take too long we should be back in time for the birth of my first child.  We would like you to stand as Godfather, if you would.  Elisabeth made me promise to ask."

"I would be honored."  Thorn answered, then catching sight of Vernon's rear guard, he motioned for his troops to increase their speed, while Edmund and he spurred their mounts into a thundering gallop, each eager to greet their Duke, and friend, again.

    Aura woke with the first signs of light and tried, without success, to shake a feeling the
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