We can go if you like.”
    “The hell you will,” Zane mutters. “This is ridiculous.”
    I close my eyes for a second, trying to regain my composure.
    Then all conversation ceases as Ash approaches us, electronic notepad in hand, and I know the moment he spots me because his eyes go wide. He looks good, even better than the last time I saw him. His messy hair is cut shorter, and it makes his pale blue eyes look bigger.
    He looks cute. Hot. The realization makes my chest tight—with panic, anger, and a strange longing that’s there every time I lay eyes on him.
    “Hey guys.” His voice, always a little raspy, sends a shiver over me. I haven’t heard it in so long. “What can I get you?”
    “I heard your lattes are good,” Tessa says brightly. “Audrey?”
    I nod, robbed of speech. Maybe that’s for the best. I don’t know what might come out of my mouth.
    “Lattes it is.” He jots the order on the device and the way he worries his lower lip between his teeth is distracting. Then he looks up, straight at me, and the heat in those cool eyes nails me.
    I’m still until he turns around and leaves. I watch him go, a breath caught in my throat.
    “Christ, Audrey.” Tessa huffs. “I swear you were murdering him with your eyes.”
    “What are you talking about?” I protest. “I wasn’t.”
    Zane rubs a hand over his face. “In his shoes, I’d have run out of here and wouldn’t stop until I reached Canada.”
    Really? “I bet it’s Dylan’s expression that sent him running.”
    Dylan’s still scowling in the direction Ash went.
    “You fuckers...” Zane shakes his head. “You don’t get it.”
    “Nothing to get,” Dylan says. “Ash and Audrey in the same room? Not a good idea. She doesn’t like it, man. Get over it.”
    Meg brings our lattes and I don’t see Ash again the whole time we’re there. Did I really look so pissed off? I didn’t know my face has that power and I’m not sure how I feel about it.
    Because all I could think of when he looked at me was how soft his mouth looks and how I want to kiss him again.


    “You know, Audrey, I don’t understand,” Tessa says as she drives me back home later.
    “Don’t understand what exactly?”
    “Why you’re so pissed at Asher.”
    “Are you serious?”
    “Yeah. Explain it to me. Ash is a good guy.”
    “His dad—”
    “I know who his dad is. We’re talking about Ash, not his dad. I’m not mad at you for confusing the two, but, hey, one is old and a drunkard, the other is a young hot stud.”
    I bury my face in my hands. My heart pounds. “Why don’t you leave it be, Tess?”
    “Because.” She parks in front of my building and sighs. “I know the accident left its marks on you, but I don’t believe for one second you’re blaming Ash for something his dad did. It’s an excuse for you to keep your distance, I get that. But maybe it’s time you stopped looking for excuses not to talk to him. The thing is, Aud, I keep teasing you about Dylan and Zane, but I know Asher is the one you want.”
    “What?” I put my hands down. “That’s bullshit.”
    “Be honest with yourself. I’ve known you since you were little, and you’ve been in love with Ash from the start.”
    “No, I haven’t.”
    “There you go, denying it again.”
    “Because it isn’t true!”
    Is it?
    “Ash isn’t anything like his father,” Tessa says. “At all.”
    “And how would you know?”
    Tessa shrugs. “I’ve been here. Met him many times over the years.”
    “Dylan didn’t seem so pleased to see him.”
    “Dylan can be an idiot sometimes.” Tessa sighs again. “He and Asher drifted apart over the years. Dylan always blamed Asher for turning so cold with you in high school.”
    “I blame Asher for that, too.”
    “Maybe he’s changed. Zane says he has. He vouches for Ash. Give him a chance.”
    I so don’t want to talk about this anymore. “I’m going up. Good night, Tess.”
    I pause with my car door
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