As Meat Loves Salt

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Book: As Meat Loves Salt Read Online Free PDF
Author: Maria McCann
after she called me a man to Zeb's boy, I was still unsure and sometimes thought that for all she said, she must like Zeb better than me, for all women did. At times I even fancied, God forgive me, that she had perhaps turned to me following an earlier adventure with him.
    One day I looked out of the window and saw her talking most earnestly with Zeb some yards off. I rose and quietly opened the window a crack before ducking beneath the sill.
    Caro's voice came to me:'... and sees nothing of my difficulty.'
    'Jacob all over,' Zeb said. 'But to the purpose. He must be put out of hope, you know.'
    'I cannot do it!' she cried. 'Two brothers ... (here I missed some words, for my ears were throbbing) ... to do something so cruel.'
    'But the longer it goes on, the crueller,' said Zebedee.
    There followed a silence. I rose and peeped out of the window: they had joined hands.
    'Shall I undertake to tell him?' asked Zeb.
    Caro cried, 'Indeed, Zeb, you are too kind!' and then, before my very eyes, they embraced, out there in the garden where any might see. I pulled the window to and sank to the floorboards, trembling.
    The rest of that afternoon was passed in planning Zeb's death, various ways, and devising punishments for Caro. During the evening meal I spoke not a word to either, even when directly addressed, and
    saw my fellow servants exchange puzzled or offended looks. Afterwards, when all was cleared away, I sat by myself at the kitchen fire polishing the Master's boots. Zeb and Caro were most likely keeping out of my sight, and they were wise, for every time I thought of Zeb taking her in his arms, my jaw set and my own arms and shoulders became hard as iron.
    The door opened and I glared upwards. It was Izzy.
    'I have made a discovery today,' I said at once.
    'Have you?' His voice was mild. 'Will you tell me what?'
    'Acting the ambassador? Be straight. You are come to make their excuses.' I bent forward and spat into the grate.
    Izzy contemplated me. 'Who are they? My business with you concerns no excuses.' He pulled up a chair next to mine.
    'Well?' I snapped.
    'Nay, I can't talk to you in that style. Would you rather I went away?'
    'Zeb is courting Caro,' I burst out before I could stop myself. 'Don't you know it?'
    'You amaze me. How did you make this - discovery?'
    I told him what I had seen and heard. Izzy's face quickened with some inner revelation before I was halfway through.
    "This is - none of it what you think,' he began slowly.
    'What, not the embrace!'
    He scratched his nose. 'Jacob ... there's a thing I must break to you. Somewhat ticklish.'
    I thought, You are in the right of it there.
    'Caro has sought Zeb's counsel.'
    'Why not mine?'
    'It concerns you.' Izzy glanced up at the ceiling as if wishing himself anywhere else in the world. 'She has sought mine also, and her difficulty is—'
    'How to break off with me!'
    'She wonders why you wait so long to declare yourself.'
    I was silenced.
    He took a great breath and went on, 'If I may speak my mind — take note, this is none of her saying! — you make a fool of her, keeping
    company so long and the day not settled on. She has never wanted any but you. I thought you had a great mind to her also, and you can be sure the Mistress would be pleased. Where then lies the impediment?'
    'She is mighty familiar with Zeb,' I answered slowly, and then, filling with stubborn anger, 'I will not espouse her, or any, where I think my brother might have been before me.'
    That was the only time in my entire life I saw Isaiah in a passion.
    'Do you ever raise your eyes and look about you?' he hissed. 'Everyone knows where Zeb's delight lies, except the hulking idiot who is his brother.'
    I gaped at him.
    'Besides, now is too late,' Izzy went on, his eyes gleaming, 'for such talk! You have kept company with her for months and given no hint. I repeat, you make a fool of her, and — I promise you! — if one word of your — madness — gets out, you'll make such a fool of yourself
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