
April Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: April Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mackey Chandler
Eddie indicated with a shift of his eyes. "We can put a camera here, to catch anyone servicing them, but we had better install this last bug ourselves. As dependable as this sort of device is, the agent having an accident and one of the bugs going bad might be too much to swallow."
    "Good, I want the people who did this to think they pulled it off clean and his death was unrelated. I want them to mess up and ID themselves. I very much want to know who invaded my jurisdiction and hurt my people. So we need to arrange a very plausible accident for this gentleman in about a day and you need to decide on which feed the last device should be installed."
    "I need somebody from communications to help me pick the last cable, but we can do them one better," Eddie offered. "I can install our own sensors beside their taps and tell what they are mining. We'll capture their transmission when we know there is no traffic from us. That should be interesting don't you think?"
    "That might tell us who the players are, even if nobody claims the body," Jon predicted with an evil smile.

Chapter 3
    Monday morning, nine o'clock was three hours into main-shift on Mitsubishi 3. April Lewis was listening to the Earth news for October 4, 2083, while she walked to the cafeteria to meet her friend Heather. M3 ran on North American Pacific Time, the unofficial standard time of near Earth space and Disney News was on the same time zone, being California based.
    April was station born and more interested in what was happening locally, but followed the Earth news to please her parents, who were Earthborn. They'd lived in California before coming to M3 and seemed to appreciate it if she knew what was going on below, even though it often didn't make any sense to her. Disney was more likely to have California or space stories than most foreign news channels, so she picked it even though you had to factor in that their news was run through USNA censors. April didn't know a news service that wasn't run through somebody's filter.
    There were two thousand residents in M3, surpassed in orbit only by New Las Vegas when they had a full tourist load. The habitat produced a lot of valuable goods that couldn't be made groundside and was home to quite a bit of research and development, yet the news channels rarely mentioned M3 unless a celebrity was visiting. When they did mention Spacers lately they seemed to be unfairly critical and April was tired of hearing it. Station dwellers were portrayed by the media as overpaid opportunists and dangerously lacking in social conformity. Newsies even complained they ate too well. The high cost of living and salaries to match, made the residents easy targets of resentment, as surely as someone living in Palm Springs or the Principality of Monaco.
    * * *
    In World News, the Japanese cut off imports of Canadian bio-Diesel, claiming active turkey prions were present in the exhaust.
    The European Union was threatening Switzerland with sanctions, for holding gold and platinum for EU citizens in safe deposit, after private ownership of the metals was outlawed again last year.
    In National News, the honorable Senator Smith from Puerto Rico had demanded the honorable Senator Macmillan from The Yukon, allow his Federal Identity data be checked against the genome of her fraternal  twins - and he had matched - for one of them. The comedians and cartoonists were having a field day, speculating on how far afield a search for the other twin's father should proceed.
    The mayor of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio was assassinated by a proximity bomb outside his garage door and a group calling themselves Buckeyes for Property Rights claimed responsibility.
    The fall colors in Vermont were forecast to be the best in years, later this month due to unseasonably early cool weather. The program ended with a required public service spot, urging vigilant citizens to call their Neighborhood Defender and report unusual activity to combat the blight of black markets
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