They’d venture onto the beach to snatch an unsuspecting person, but no one had ever been taken by them out of the water. Kissing her had awakened something within him, in his heart, something that touched and entered his soul. He’d never felt anything like it before. His need for her was great, especially as he’d tasted the sweet nectar of her lips, the honey taste of her mouth and tongue. Pushing his cock between her legs and hard up against her cleft had almost caused him to forget how innocent she was. The temptation to take her right there, in the water, had been great, but he’d fought it and won.
    “She’s beautiful,” Yerith said, startling him out of his thoughts.
    “I can see you’re lusting for her, my friend.”
    Cyton looked at Yerith. “And you’re not?”
    “I won’t lie about it. Yes. Did you see her naked?”
    “Yes. So did you when we found her.”
    “That’s when we thought she was a child. Now we know she’s a full-grown woman. So when you took her to the pool, did you mate with her?”
    “No. She was raised very differently than us. She’s innocent. A virgin.”
    “I admire your self-control. I don’t know if I could have stopped myself.”
    “Yerith, promise me you won’t do anything impulsive, nothing to hurt her.”
    Yerith was quiet for a few minutes. “All right, I promise. But it’s going to be hard. She’s sharing our home.”
    “I’ve made a bed for her, away from ours. She’s not like our women, Yerith.”
    “I know. She’s pure royalty. All you have to do is look at her grace, her quiet manners and the way she deals with everything to know she’s different. I spoke with Uleirlel while you were gone. She told me the girl can lay claim to the throne if everyone else in her family is dead. Uleirlel believes she was meant to rule. She told me the Goddess spoke to her.”
    “And then she’ll have nothing to do with us. Once she’s a queen, ruling our world, she’ll choose her consort from any descendants from the royals still left alive.”
    “Cyton, I have nothing but admiration for her. She must be weeping internally for the loss of her loved ones, yet she shows no emotion.”
    “She hides it well.”
    Darkness fell. The women filed out of the smokehouse one by one. Cyton watched Anya appear in the doorway carrying her bags that were bulging. She approached the two waiting men.
    “I hope you’re very hungry or this food will go to waste. I’m small, so I managed to get between the women and got a whole lot. I grabbed the best of the meat.” She peered around, apparently just realizing how dark it had become. “Darkness seems to fall fast here.”
    “Yes, Anya, it’s because of the mountains surrounding our city. Where you come from, it will still be full sunlight.”
    “Well, I’m starving, so let’s go home,” Yerith said and shifted into his dragon.
    Cyton shifted and carefully picked Anya up with his talons. He hoped the bags weren’t too heavy for her. He set her down on the platform and took the bags from her. He noticed the red marks inside her palms. “Are your hands sore from carrying the bags?”
    “A bit.”
    “Inside, we have grains, bread and vegetables. You’ve got two hungry men on your hands.”
    “Lon taught me some things today, but I don’t know—”
    “We’ll help,” Yerith offered. “It’s not usual for males to help their servants, but you’re more than a servant.”
    “Right now, I’m your slave. But I won’t be for long.”
    “Girl, you’re not a slave. Don’t use that word,” Cyton said.
    “How many other mortal women have you captured in the past?”
    He had to admit. “You’re the first.”
    “So why am I to serve you both if you’ve never ever experienced capturing a mortal woman? Are there rules for such an event?”
    Yerith jumped into the conversation. “Yurkis would have had us bring you back to the place we found you. You wouldn’t have lived. We are following his
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