she’d slept with others. She probably had shared beds with her sisters. Her delectable buttocks pressed against his groin and he groaned inwardly as his cock rose and throbbed. He felt beneath the metal bra and cupped a breast while he managed to get his cock between her ass cheeks. Massaging her breasts very softly, feeling for her hard nipple, he moved his cock back and forth between her tight buttocks. When he came, he spurted onto the pelt beneath them and he cursed softly. Would she smell it in the morning? Did she even know what it smelled like? With his hand still on her breast, the nipple between his fingers, he managed to doze off.

Chapter Five
    Anya woke with a start. She felt confined, trapped. Wiggling, she suddenly sensed the hand on her breast, a man’s body against hers. She wriggled out of the arms holding her tight and jumped up.
    “How dare you take me while I slept!” she shouted, waking Cyton.
    “I didn’t take you. Calm down.”
    “How did my bra get undone and my belt?” She desperately fought with the clasps, striving to do them back up.
    “Think back, Anya. You were upset. I comforted you. I didn’t take you. That surely would have awakened you. You’ve seen the size of my cock.”
    Yerith stood up sleepily. “What time is it? What’s with all the noise?”
    “Anya had a bad dream.”
    “I did not. I don’t want either of you in my bed without an invitation. Is that understood? If I’m to be your slave, then so be it, but I won’t be your whore or used at your whim.”
    “Oh, my. She’s a spitfire. Did you use her, friend?”
    “No. I merely tried to calm her. She was upset.”
    “I slept so soundly I didn’t hear anything.” Yerith’s gaze raked her from head to toe, making Anya uncomfortable. Did he really think Cyton had taken her?
    Anya strode away from them to the platform and stood looking down. When the men joined her, she shied away. “I need to go home and find out if any of my people are alive.”
    “I promise we’ll find out for you today,” Yerith assured her. “Won’t we, Cyton?”
    “Yes, I’ve told her a few times already.”
    “Good. I need to go and bathe,” Yerith said and called out his dragon.
    Anya watched the fantastic green dragon descend and admired it. Seeing them high in the sky as small specks, they really didn’t look much different from birds. Seeing them up close, she had nothing but awe for them.
    “Why are you all different colors?”
    Cyton shrugged. “I don’t know. The Timeless One is all colors. Then there are bronze, gold, blue, green, and black dragons and even white ones, although I’ve never seen a white dragon.”
    “Do all of you have magical powers?”
    “We do. They develop as we age. But your people should have magical powers, too. I’m surprised you haven’t displayed any besides hearing the Goddess speak.”
    “I’m sorry for shouting at you. I think you meant well. I was grieving last night.”
    “Yes, and I heard you so I knew you needed me.”
    Oh, Goddess, she needed more than just his support, but she’d been taught it was bad to have such feelings.
    “Have you ever been in love, Anya?” Cyton asked.
    “No. Have you?”
    “Not until now.”
    A thrill coursed through her. He was in love, but with who? “Lon?”
    “Lon and I have been together, but we’re not mated. I don’t love her.”
    “She seems to think you do.”
    “She’s wrong.”
    Dare she hope he’d fallen in love with her? How could she ever claim him for her consort? If she were the only survivor of the slaughter, then she’d be next in line for the throne. The thought scared her. She was strong, but ruling a world was a completely different matter than just displaying strength of character. What did she know about ruling, about being a queen?
    “Uleirlel is not only our medicine woman, she is our spell weaver. She can help you unlock your hidden magick.”
    “Really? I need to know what caused the rift between your people and
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