Angels of Moirai (Book One)

Angels of Moirai (Book One) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Angels of Moirai (Book One) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Nicole Salmond
why you didn’t get it then and there, so I decided to get it for you.”
    I stared at it in amazement. “Hayley...”
    “Consider it an early graduation present,” she added, knowing I didn’t like her spending money on me.
    I looked up at her and smiled. “Thank you.”
    She smiled back at me and I reached forward and gave her a hug.
    I’d been tempted to go back to the jewellers and buy it for weeks now, since I’d seen it that day with Hayley. I wasn’t one to buy something just because I liked it, and as much as I didn’t like Hayley spending money, I couldn’t help but love it.
    We stayed by the lake talking about life until the sun set. Our conversation centred mostly on the latest gossip and Hayley’s great matchmaking skills, which apparently seemed to be ineffective when it came to me- much to her disappointment.
    After eating dinner together, I retreated to my bedroom to catch up on schoolwork. With only a few weeks left until school finals and graduation, I needed to put in as much study as I could.
    I lay back on my bed and closed my eyes, giving up on the ridiculous calculus question that I couldn’t solve, and would need some much needed help from Jackie tomorrow. It was two in the morning and my brain function was slowly failing anyway. Calculus would have to wait.
    I opened my eyes and saw immediately that I’d forgotten to close the sliding doors that led out to the balcony from my bedroom. I slowly made my way out of bed.
    As I walked towards the doors, my heart started beating out of my chest, as I noticed that the surrounding trees were deathly still. There was no breeze. No movement. No sound.
    I walked out onto the balcony, nervous about what I might see. Would I see him again? Had he found me somehow?
    I didn’t have to think about it for too long, as I quickly found him standing amongst the trees. The moonlight allowed me to see the outline of his body- he was looking up towards me.
    His wings weren’t spread open like I had seen earlier that day, instead, they were tucked behind him, and although they weren’t on display, they still looked just as grand.
    “Who are you?” I asked in a whisper. I didn’t expect a reply, I didn’t even think he would be able to hear me, but it was a question I’d longed to ask.
    His voice filled the air around me, “It’s not an answer I can give you.”
    “But why?”
    He walked out from the shelter of the trees, as his wings opened up behind him. I gripped the edge of the railing. I needed to get down to him- I had to talk to him.
    “Lila,” I heard a voice say, but it wasn’t the mysterious angel talking. “Lila.”
    “Oi, Lila, wake-up.”
    I opened my eyes and found Hayley standing over me in her pastel blue pyjamas.
    “Two days in a row, I think you’re making a habit of this, Lila,” Hayley joked.
    My eyes adjusted to the light as I sat myself up.
    “What time is it?” I grumbled.
    “Time to get up,” Hayley replied. “As much as I’d be open to sleeping in and everything, I have a drama assessment this morning with Poppy that I can’t miss.”
    “Yeah, of course,” I said vaguely.
    “Sweet. Meet you downstairs,” she said, walking out of the room with a skip in her step.
    I put my hands on my face, rubbing my eyes. I was so tired, I’d barely had any sleep and then... and then I’d seen him again.
    I looked over and found the sliding door still open. I jumped to my feet, ran to the balcony, and looked down, but he wasn’t there.
    Of course, he’s not there , I told myself. It was just a dream.
    I nodded, reassuring myself that I was right. He was just someone in my dreams. I must have conjured him up in my mind from seeing him somewhere before, on TV, a magazine, anywhere.
    Angels don’t exist. He doesn’t exist.
    We arrived at school just before the first morning bell. I said goodbye to Hayley as she jumped out of the car like a flash of lightning, and I made my way towards the school’s
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