Angel's Dance
tightened. She wasn’t
sure, but suspected that he was trying not to smile.
    “ I’ll cover the cost and I
can get you your own room.”
    Clear turned out the
window as her eyes went wide. She hadn’t even thought of that!
‘ Geez, that would be
uncomfortable !’ But he had already offered
and she wasn’t going to refuse her own room. The car was feeling a
little crowded as was. “Whatever works for you,” she replied
    Clear stared silently out the window
watching the sky change from soft golden hues to fiery oranges and
reds, to the lighter and darker blues of night. She let her mind
focus on the colors in hopes of releasing her subconscious enough
to remember what she had been dreaming. As the velvety purple
descended, the sky ahead began to lighten with the artificial light
of the town. Frustrated at not being able to remember anything from
her dream, she decided it was probably because it had nothing to do
with Grant’s daughter.
    Clear stretched. “So, where are we?”
she questioned.
    “ Millston,
    “ Wow, Wisconsin
    Grant gave her a look. It was only for
a split second, but she thought she saw something in that look,
something that felt familiar. But then he was back on the road.
“We’ve been in Wisconsin for a while.”
    “ Hmm…. We never stopped
for lunch, did we?”
    “ You were sleeping…. Look,
up there is a little diner, we’ll stop there.” Grant pulled into
the diner parking lot and Clear got out of the car and stretched
and stomped her feet. It was starting to get cool at night here and
she sort of wished she had not packed her hoodie in her bag. She
looked up at the diner as she stamped her feet trying to restart
the circulation. Her body ached from head to toe. She did not think
she had ever sat still for so long in all her life.
    The diner was a relic from the days
when everyone did their traveling by car. Now the parking lot had a
few heavy duty trucks, two cars (probably belonging to the two
employees that could be seen) and a couple of RVs. Clear groaned,
really not wanting to go in. But her stomach rumbled as she watched
the plain little waitress pick up a huge burger. She looked
sideways at Grant.
    “ Well, shall we?” he
nodded toward the diner. She took a deep breath and walked stiffly
to the front door.
    The waitress seated them with a smile
and offered drinks. Clear ordered a soda. She had a grimy taste in
her mouth and hoped her breath didn‘t smell bad. Not that it really
mattered, she supposed.
    Grant looked at the menu for several
minutes then ordered coffee. Clear looked at him
    “ I thought we were going
to stop for the night?” she nodded towards the coffee as the
waitress set it down in front of them.
    Grant nodded then looked at the
coffee. “Oh, it’ll be fine.”
    The waitress pulled out a pen and a
very wide smile for Grant. “What’ll it be, Hon?”
    Grant looked to Clear, “Ladies
    The waitress turned to Clear and she
couldn’t help but notice that the wattage cranked down a lot for
her. The girl obviously was catering to the tipper.
    “ I’ll just have a burger
and fries,” Clear muttered, not sure why she was feeling irritated
all of a sudden. It couldn’t be because of the waitress flirting
with Grant, could it? She sighed and looked around as Grant
ordered. There were four large men in one corner booth that all
looked like they belonged to the big rigs outside. Two were
laughing and chatting, while the third listened, but the fourth sat
by morosely, looking about as miserable as Clear felt.
    There was a couple with a young child
sitting by the cook line and the child was curled up in her
mother’s lap. The rest of the place was empty except for one
middle-aged woman leaning against the juke box. The woman put in
some quarters and an old country western song began to blare from
the tiny jukebox. Clear didn’t know the song, but she cringed at
the wailing tinny voice of what could
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