Always on My Mind

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Book: Always on My Mind Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bella Andre
Tags: General Fiction
his head before he could focus on what she was saying. “…Mom always said eight kids were more than enough to contend with.”
    “You have seven brothers and sisters?”
    Crap, he hadn’t meant to ask her anything personal, but the question had slipped out in his surprise at what she’d just said. If she had all those brothers, why wasn’t one of them out here dragging her back to her real life?
    She smiled up at him from where she was sitting, still cuddling his cat, and yet again, he felt the beautiful force of her smile in every cell.
    “Seven siblings and a whole bunch more cousins. I’ve got family pretty much everywhere.”
    The word family slapped into his heart like she’d let loose a taut rubber band against it, just the way it had when she’d been talking about love.
    What the hell was he doing? He couldn’t make the mistake of letting her think they were going to be friends. If she managed to make it through the rest of the day, she wasn’t going to stay long. As quickly as she’d blown in, she’d blow out again. He couldn’t make the mistake of getting attached to her.
    Which was why he knew better than to let Lori get attached to anything here, either.
    “Mo is going to die soon,” he told her in a matter-of-fact tone. “Real soon.”
    Lori lifted wide eyes to him, then immediately pulled the cat all the way onto her lap, which prompted a fit of rapid-fire sneezes. Of course, good old Mo was so old and tired that the cat barely reacted to the loud sounds as she settled deeper into Lori’s arms.
    “How can you say that about your own cat? It’s like you don’t even have a heart.”
    He preferred it that way. Not having a heart meant nothing could hurt him again.
    Grayson didn’t care one bit for worrying about this beautiful stranger getting attached to his dying cat...or to him.
    “She has leukemia,” he said, his voice gentler now simply because, for all that he might want her to think it, he wasn’t a monster. “The vet expected her to go months ago. He doesn’t know how she’s managed to hang on this long.”
    From out of nowhere, he was struck with the thought that maybe Mo had held on until Lori came—that she’d needed a softhearted woman to make a fuss over her in her final days.
    But that was crazy. As totally, completely nuts as Lori actually thinking she could be his farmhand.
    He pushed away from the door. “Time to clean.”

Chapter Four
    Lori had never thought she’d need to call on her dance training to clean a toilet or make a bed, but in order to clean Grayson’s house perfectly she’d needed every ounce of the precision and focus that she used in her choreography, rehearsals, and performances.
    She washed her hands, then took a step back to the doorway to survey her work. The sink, tub, and shower sparkled the way they would have in a TV ad; the mirror didn’t have a single smudge or speck of dust on it; and she’d folded the fresh towels she’d found in the linen closet like those in a high-end hotel. Grayson, fortunately, wasn’t a particularly messy man, which was surprising, considering how much dirt there was all around him on his farm. And while the farmhouse hadn’t been changed from what she guessed was turn-of-the century architecture, the bathrooms were gorgeous and completely luxurious.
    What she wouldn’t give for a soak in the clawfoot tub, she thought as she stretched out her back and legs. But she could only imagine what Grayson would do if he found her in one of the tubs. Then again, he’d been so grumpy from the moment she showed up on his farm that it was more than a little tempting to mess with him like that.
    Only, it would end up messing with her, too. Because if the way her body was heating up at just the thought of Grayson finding her taking a bath was anything to go by, she had a bad feeling that being naked in one of his tubs would lead to nakedness in other his bed.
    And that she’d like it too much for a
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