Almost Persuaded: Miss Mary King
know. I had no objections
to the gentleman prior to the unfortunate incident of your
grandfather’s passing. But there seems to be an indelicacy in his
directing his attentions towards you so soon after the
    “You are aware of his circumstances. He has not the time for all
those etiquettes that others may observe. If I do not object to it, why should
anyone else?”
    “By all those etiquettes , do you mean conducting a proper courtship with
your father’s consent?”
    Her mind quite
decided on the veracity of Mr. Wickham’s regard, Mary said
    “ Mary, you must know what you are about. You must guard
yourself against appearing foolish or, heaven forbid, giving rise
to gossip and innuendo that you are somehow deficit in either sense
or feeling pursuant to your eager reception of his
    “ Are we all not fools even to contemplate falling in love,
especially when there are no guarantees? In such case as this, I
firmly believe in the notion that nothing ventured is nothing
    Whilst Mary
might boast of Anne being her dearest friend, the same could not be
said of Anne’s reliance upon Mary in that respect. Anne was
private. She kept her own counsel as regarded her own affairs. Once
a week, she would spend time with her older sister, who was
employed as a governess at a modest home in a village near Meryton.
Having lost their parents in a fire, which also destroyed their
home, the two sisters were the only family each other had.
    Mary had never
once seen Anne show interest in a man. Thus, she assumed the
horrible experience of a broken-heart and shattered dreams must
have made it so. All her attempts to persuade Anne to confide in
her had been to no avail. She took a seat beside Anne and reached
for her hand.
    “ You must not allow hurtful experiences from your past to
colour your perception of Mr. Wickham. You do not know him as I do.
He is honourable, and he has been completely forthcoming with
    Anne cradled
Mary’s proffered hand in hers. “The gentleman can say what he likes
in explaining the haste of his defection from Miss Elizabeth Bennet
and the speed of the transference of his affections to you. Any
rational human would regard his motives as mercenary.”
    “ Well, have it as you choose. Mr. Wickham shall be mercenary,
and I shall be irrational.”
Mary. That is exactly what I do not choose. I shall not allow Mr.
Wickham to take advantage of you. I shall do all in my power to
prevent it.” Releasing Mary’s hand, Anne gathered her sewing.
“Enjoy his simpering and his smiles, if you will—but that is all
there will ever be of your relationship with the man.” Miss Heston
stood to take her leave. Smoothing her skirt, she regarded Mary
with an unyielding countenance. “I should hate to speak with your
father, but I will not hesitate should matters warrant it. I would
be derelict in my duties to him, as well as to you, to do
    Mere days later, Anne stood outside her father’s study, her
hand perched on the door as if paralysed with dread over the
prospect of what he might say. Mr. Wickham and she had been no
strangers to each other — intent upon a courtship of sorts as they endeavoured to
sketch each other’s character often away from the guarded eyes of
her father and always under the watchful eyes of her companion. Her
suitor was proving himself to be everything a gentleman ought to
be—pleasant and amiable; even towards Miss Heston herself who did
not try to disguise her increasing ill ease. I cannot imagine Anne would
have spoken to my father against my will when I have abided by all
her strong dictates and guarded my behaviour with Mr.
Wickham. Deciding it best to get the matter over with, Mary pushed
the door open.
King, his face grave, rose from his chair and gestured for her to
have a seat. “Mary, my dear, I do not like the idea of your
spending time in Mr. Wickham’s company.”
    “Papa, you and
Mr. Wickham always
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