Almost Persuaded: Miss Mary King
got along famously. Why do you now object to his
calling on me?”
    “I now suspect
his motives. Why the sudden interest? Even you will admit he never
once took notice of you before you became an heiress.”
    “Are you
suspicious of the lieutenant, or does any gentleman who is not my
cousin warrant your disapprobation?”
    “I will
not pretend that your uncle’s designs for you to marry his son and
heir do not meet with my approval. My brother’s wealth is
excellent. What type of father would I be not to wish to see you so
well settled in life?”
    “With all due
respect, Papa, you have complained of my uncle’s miserly
propensities all my life. When have you ever agreed with him on
anything? You two have never got along.”
    He reared his
head. “I will not apologise for rallying behind my brother’s cause.
A father wants what is best for his child.”
    “Uncle King
never once considered me as a suitable bride for my cousin before
Grandfather bequeathed ten thousand pounds to me. Am I wrong to
suppose my uncle simply has no desire to see such a substantial
amount escape the family coffers should I marry elsewhere?”
    “It pains me
to hear you speak this way. Your uncle’s motives, as selfish as
they may be, result to your benefit, do they not? You shall be
rich. You shall have many fine carriages, a house in town. You and
your cousin are ideally suited to each other. You will be very
happy with him.”
    Long believing she and her father were of one mind as
regarded arranged marriages, Mary drew a deep breath and diverted
her eyes towards a picture of her mother. Her parents had suffered
an arranged marriage. Her mother had abandoned everything to escape
her sentence: her home, her husband. Me.
    “I know you
want what is best for me, but have we not always agreed that I
should be allowed to marry where I will?”
    “That was
before; this is now. Your prospects are considerably improved owing
to your grandfather’s bequest.” Her father reached for her hand. “I
only ask that you remain open to an alliance with your cousin,
John. Of course it is your decision. By the same token, I caution
you to be wary of gentlemen the likes of Mr. Wickham.”
    It bothers me
that even my own uncle did not consider me as worthy of his son and
heir before my inheritance, and now it is his favourite wish. If my
own family’s motives are mercenary, why does my father disdain Mr.
Wickham solely on the basis that his motives are suspected of being
of a similar bent? How is such hypocrisy to be endured?
    I will not
think of that now. I so enjoy basking in the gentleman’s
admiration. I am a fair studier of people. I shall know if his
motives are not pure. I simply need more time in his company, away
from Papa’s stern scrutiny.
    Her father
must have read her disquiet on her face. “Mary, you are entitled to
marry where you will. But given a choice between your cousin and
any other gentleman, I would choose the former. I urge you to do
likewise. Family means everything.”
    A frisson of panic gripped her. If Papa only knew I was half in love
with Mr. Wickham already, I fear he would forbid me to see him. I
must see him. I must find a way to continue to see him without
raising Papa’s ire.
    Ever since her father’s admonishment, Mary and Mr.
Wickham’s encounters were few and far between. Their fleeting
moments together strengthened her resolve that he held her in
esteem. Both Mr. King and Anne were out that evening. Mary was home
alone. Sitting in the library, she closed her book and shut her
eyes, thereby giving up her pretence of reading, so she might dwell
on those things that confirmed her good opinion of the dashing Lt.
Wickham. Of late, his discourse centred on marrying for love and
how fortuitous it was that a man of his standing might now have the
means of accomplishing it. Never had he pretended otherwise. She
was in a fair way of knowing this admission by heart.
    I was reared
to appreciate the finer things in
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