All Wounds

All Wounds Read Online Free PDF

Book: All Wounds Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dina James
just stood and watched as Sydney stroked a damp cloth over Ryan’s forehead, which came away stained with pink and red. Ryan seemed to be literally sweating blood.
    Nana stood and sighed, shaking her head. Rebecca moved to her grandmother, and when Nana held her hand out, Rebecca, like a child of seven instead of a girl of nearly seventeen, took her grandmother’s hand and clung to her side as she watched the wounded boy on the bed thrash.
    “Come on, let’s get some tea,” Nana said in that weird, gentle voice.
    “Syd will stay with him. There’s nothing really to be done now but wait until it runs its course.”
    “This wouldn’t have happened if the entrance hadn’t been sealed!” Syd snapped, glaring at Nana. “Why was that done? You wasted my time, making me come ask for entry like a common human!”
    Nana didn’t seem at all offended by Sydney’s outburst or his accusa-tions. “Who broke the truce?” she countered. “That entry has been sealed for nearly fifteen years, which you well know, Sydney Alexander. After the last battle, you know what precautions were taken.”
    “Precautions that apparently included keeping your own granddaughter, the last of your line, ignorant of her own power!” Sydney growled darkly.
    “You didn’t tell the Council that part of your plan to close the Eastern Enclave. She doesn’t even could you not warn her, Martha Althea?
    If the flames of war have again been fanned, what makes you think her ignorance keeps her safe? She is a valuable asset to any side, and keeping her unaware can only lead her unknowingly astray!” Nana and Syd continued to glare at one another for a long moment before Rebecca felt a tug at her hand.
    “Come,” Nana said again. “This isn’t something you need to see.” Rebecca pulled her hand free. “No, wait, Nana,” she said, looking toward the now-still form of Ryan on the bed. “He...I know him. I mean, not very well, but... He goes to my school. He won’t know where he is, and he’ll be scared when he wakes up.”
    “Sydney will stay with him, Rebecca,” Nana replied. “Let’s wait down in the kitchen. It’s not a good idea to be so close, even with the protections we have. A fledgling vampire is not easily controlled. It’s fortunate we have a Master here with us to watch over him as Ryan turns.”
    “‘Turns?’” Rebecca echoed, looking back to her nana. “You mean...”
    “Into a vampire, yes,” Nana said. “And though turning a human is never easy or done lightly, Sydney had to do it to save Ryan’s life. Ryan is fortunate that he was brought to me in time to wrest the dark magic from the bite of the hellhound or he wouldn’t have even survived long enough to turn. I’m sorry, Sydney. I wish I could do more.”
    “There is no cure for the final bite,” Syd said. “Nothing can stop a turning.”
    Rebecca could all but feel his acceptance...and regret.
    Syd kept his eyes from Martha’s as he wrung out the blood-soaked cloth with fresh water. “I know that.” He brought the damp cloth back to Ryan’s face and continued wiping it. “I couldn’t let him die, Martha.”
    “I know, Syd,” Nana said with a gentle smile. “I know.” They left the two boys in the hidden room. Rebecca marveled at the linen cupboard shelves that swung shut behind them as Nana led the way down to the kitchen. Rebecca put the kettle on and made a pot of tea. She felt very, very strange and needed to do something that made her feel somewhat normal again. Nana sat quietly in a kitchen chair, but without the usual, vacant look on her face that Rebecca was accustomed to seeing.
    As Rebecca sat a mug of tea in front of her, Nana—Martha—spoke.

chApter three
    “I never wanted you to know, but I see now I shall have to tell you, before Sydney leaves with Ryan,” Nana said in pained resignation. “Once he leaves, he’ll take his power with him and I’ll forget myself again. I’m sorry, Rebecca. I’m sorry for
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