Alexandr's Cherished Submissive

Alexandr's Cherished Submissive Read Online Free PDF

Book: Alexandr's Cherished Submissive Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ann Mayburn
to the danger that surrounds her. She should not have to pay for my sins. My men understand and would give their lives for her, but they are limited in where they can go. You are more of a neutral third party than they are, able to enter territories in Dublin that would cause a war if one of my men trespassed.” He looked at the picture of his sister again, and pain swam in the depths of his distant gaze. “Yer father gets it.”
    “He knows this trade isn’t unbalanced. He knows what Jessica’s death would do to me, to my strong Mary. I know you don’t understand, but someday, when you fall in love and have a family of your own, you will know that you’ll do anything, anything to keep them alive because they are your heart and soul. Jessica, she’s my kin. Only descendent I’ve got. My bloodline ends with her. You know Mary and I can’t have children, and even though we’re trying to adopt and we will love that child like our own. I owe Jessica a good life because my sister isn’t here to give it to her. I owe Katie that, and I will do everything I can to keep Jessica happy because she’s a good girl and I love her.”
    Alex’s thoughts turned to his own mother, his stepmother, and his beautiful half-sister and how their deaths had indeed killed his father’s heart and soul, leaving a void in him that he filled with death and violence. Oh, his father loved Dimitri and Alex, but it was a cold, hard love, now without mercy, without joy. When he was younger, Alex had often thought of how different his life would have been if those women had lived, what kind of man his father could have been instead of the ruthless monster he’d become. Unfortunately, he was still Alex’s father, and no matter how much he tried to harden his heart against the old man, he couldn’t make himself stop loving him. At one time, Jorg had been the best father a child could ask for, doting and loving, their home filled with feminine laughter and soft voices.
    Jorg adored his family, and the loss of two wives and a daughter had slowly destroyed any compassion he’d possessed, leaving him with a heart encased in ice and a paranoia that could get out of control if he wasn’t on his stabilizing medicines.
    Peter’s voice interrupted Alex’s dark deliberations. “My men will be guardin’ her as well, of course, but you and yer men will be doing the majority of the protection. I’m settin’ you up in a room across the hall from Jessica’s apartment in one of the buildings I own. Yer men’ll have places on the floors below and above. The only way to access her apartment is through her front door.”
    “Or scale wall of building.”
    “Her apartment faces the street. It’s too visible for anyone to scale without drawing unwanted attention. The windows are bulletproof, and no one is getting in without having to get through my men and yours. I realize there will be some business you’ll have to attend to personally, but your father has assured me Oleg and Maks will watch over her. Luka will also be stopping by from time to time to cover for you when needed.”
    “They are good men.” He shifted in his chair, excitement beginning to build at the thought of his unusual assignment. At the very least, it would be nice to spend the next six months in relative comfort instead of at his father’s training camp in Siberia. “How do you explain to Jessica my presence?”
    “I’m going to tell her you’re part of my personal security that I’ve assigned to guard her. I’ll tell her you’ll be working in the United States next year, and having you watching over her will help you and your men with your American English. She’s used to political figures having what they call the Secret Service in the States, so she will know you’re there as her bodyguards. She just won’t know how serious your duty actually is. You’ll be going by yer Gorev alias to keep her from doin’ an Internet search and figurin’ out who you
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