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Book: Afflicted Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ava Novak
tucked away in a ponytail at the nape of his neck.
    “Good morning.”
    Stop drooling Vic.
    “Oh yeah um hello….good morning to you,” Victoria stammered as she ran a hand through her hair to comb any loose strands into place. She stopped as soon as she realized what she’d been doing.
    “I didn’t wake you did I,” he asked.
    “No. Not all. I was just finishing up breakfast.”
    Hmmm, nice biceps! Can that shirt get any tighter? Now is not the time to get hot and bothered.
    Victoria cleared her throat. She ceased staring at his muscled upper arms.
    “So what are you doing here?”
    “I am here to fix this door and to apologize for the actions of the individuals who’ve been nothing but a nuisance to you. They won’t be doing it again. I made sure of it,” he said firmly.
    His hand went over her head, touching the door, his fingers traced over the painted offensive word. Victoria ducked to move out of his way but didn’t really need to do so due to her five foot six height. Kaden towered over her completely. 
    Why would he even care? Oh but it’s sweet of him regardless.
    “You made sure of what,” Victoria said as she folded her arms to hide her pebbled nipples. She wasn’t even cold or near horny. Her nipples seemed to have a mind of their own this morning. It didn’t help that Victoria was braless.
    “No one will be bothering you and doing obscene crap like this,” Kaden replied as his arm dropped back down to his side.
    “And how is it you came to know who is responsible for spraying the word bitch on my door?”
    “I did some snooping around. Don’t worry you can trust me. They won’t...anyone won’t bother you again.”
    “You did some snooping around. I didn’t ask you to do that but thanks I guess but it doesn’t matter. I’m packing up and heading back to North Carolina. My sister has been trying to get me back there for some time now. Now seems like the best time to go.”
    “When are you leaving?”
    “I haven’t decided yet. There is lot I have to do prepping wise. I can be very lazy when it comes to doing anything regarding moving.”
    “Well I am going to get started on this door.”
    “Do you really have to replace it?”
    She wanted it to be replaced but didn’t know if it was a good idea for Kaden to be the one doing it. Victoria wasn’t going to complain too much. It’s just that she had an extremely strong attraction to Kaden and Victoria wasn’t exactly sure what to do about it.
    “It won’t take long. It needs to be replaced. It should be replaced.”
    “You are not my knight in shining armour buddy. You don’t have to do that.”
    “I know but I want to.”
    You are more than welcome to other things. It’s a beautiful thing you can’t read my mind.
    Victoria fought back a smile as her mind headed straight for the gutter. She ran over every porno scene she’d ever watched that involved a handy man coming over to fix something but things led down a very proactive path. And it was one she started to visualize containing her and Kaden.
    Stop going there Vic! Gosh I have a dirty mind.
    “Sorry my mother isn’t here at the moment.”
    Victoria exhaled as she snapped away from her fantasy.
    “Where is Mrs. Wright? I sent her a text message last night. I’m sure she told you about this,” Victoria said as she nodded at the door.
    “Yeah we discussed this when I went home last night. She is handling some family matters at the moment.”
    “I wished she would have texted me back to let me know she wasn’t going to be here. I’ve been expecting her. We have to talk about me breaking my lease.”
    “Right, because you are moving. I hope you aren’t letting someone’s actions make you run.”
    Victoria frowned at Kaden. She didn’t know what to make of the way he said run in such an excited tone. As if he found pleasure in the fact that she was leaving.
    Don’t let your imagination run wild, Victoria thought as she shook her head.
    “If you want I can
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