ACE (Defenders M.C. Book 4)

ACE (Defenders M.C. Book 4) Read Online Free PDF

Book: ACE (Defenders M.C. Book 4) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amanda Anderson
and in that moment he loved her more than he had ever loved another person in his life.

    Marty’s jaw dropped when Ace opened a door at the back of the clubhouse.  It was filled with books and monitors.  She counted four computers but thought there may be more tucked away.  A man she had met earlier looked up from a desk in the corner and raised his brows.
    “Ace.”  He looked back to the screen and continued working as if that was all the conversation Ace expected.
    “Marty, this is Spec.  He’s the smartest sonofabitch I’ve ever met.  You two might find a few things in common and he might help you find something to do with yourself while you’re here.”
    “We met this morning, thank heavens.  Hello again Spec.”
    “Ms. Cross.”  Spec leaned back in his chair and adjusted his wire rimmed glasses on his nose.  “What can you do?”
    “Anything.  I hacked into the hospital’s computers when I was ten, to help my mom get her treatments.  I helped a wealthy old fart who lived in Atlanta give my grandma a beautiful funeral.  I’ve done more…”  She shrugged
    “Are you sure we can trust her Ace?  Sharing blood doesn’t make her trustable.”
    “I stake my life on that.”  Ace said with more confidence than he thought he had.
    Spec grinned like an evil scientist.  “Well I’m sure there are a few things I can let you help with.  It’s about time I get some help around here.”
    Marty grinned.  Spec didn’t make her feel out of place.  She walked around the desk and sat where he told her to.
    “We will be fine here Ace.  Go talk to Law about getting her a place to stay.  Can’t have her in the clubhouse like this morning.”
    “You read my mind Spec.  It would be a good distance too I think.  Marty could run here in the mornings.”
    “Yeah sounds great, unless it rains.”  Marty quipped, but she was already looking at the computer screen.
    Ace wanted to laugh.  She and Spec already had their heads together and she already looked happier.  Now he had to go talk to Law and he wasn’t looking forward to that one bit.
    His phone rang as he stepped out into the bright morning light and he answered.
    “Hey Ace.  How’s my girl?” 
    Ace heard the clank of dishes and knew that Janice was at the diner.
    “She is doing alright.  Hit a snag this morning, but she seems to have found a place for herself.  I put her with one of the brothers working on some computer stuff while I try to find her a place to stay away from the clubhouse.”
    “She caused any trouble yet?”
    “Just a little.  Not all her fault from what I’ve been told.”  Ace wasn’t sure of that, but he didn’t want Janice to worry.
    “Well how are you adjusting to parenthood?”
    Ace heard the laughter in her voice and knew she was wearing that half grin that she wore when she poked fun at him.
    “I’m learning.  She doesn’t mind pointing it out when I screw up either.  She is whipping me into shape.”
    Janice laughed then and it was the kind that lit up her whole face.  For the first time he wished he could see her.  He frowned.  It wasn’t the sort of feeling he had ever had for Janice.
    “You may be doomed.  She has it in her head what kind of father she wants and she will poke until you get it right.  She’s stubborn too.”
    Ace felt that damned lump in his throat again.  He would be anything Marty wanted him to be.  Right then he made a decision.  He wanted a home for Marty.  He climbed on his bike and thought while Janice talked on about Marty.  He had money.  He could buy a mobile home and pull it in on the club land.  Preach wouldn’t tell him no.  Maybe even buy a piece of land close by so he could leave something for Marty when he died.  Something that would give her a connection to him and his home.
    “Janice, how hard would it be
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