ACE (Defenders M.C. Book 4)

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Book: ACE (Defenders M.C. Book 4) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amanda Anderson
for you to get away for a little while and come up here?”
    “Well I don’t know.  What have you got in mind?”
    “I want to do something for Marty, something I should have done years ago, but I may need some help with it.”
    He told Janice of his plan and heard the tears in her voice when she agreed to make the trip.  He might not be able to give her much, but he would give her a home of her own.
    He called Preach and was surprised when he agreed without question.  Preach knew of a piece of land that joined the club’s property and Preach had been looking at it for a while.  The owner had agreed to sell only a couple of weeks ago.  It would be no trouble to let Ace buy it instead of the club.  Shad had already looked it over and figured out how to protect it.
    Ace sighed.  He could have it all done in a couple of weeks if he got to it and then he would have a home for Marty and a place for himself when things got down to it.  He didn’t want to spend his last days in the clubhouse.  He would spend them with his family, in a real home.
    He cranked his motorcycle and drove out to Law’s house.  He would talk it over with him too.  He needed Law to agree to look after Marty when he was gone.  There was nobody he trusted more.

    Janice was a nervous wreck.  She hadn’t been away from the diner for more than a few days since she’d bought it fifteen years ago.  She trusted her people and knew they would call if there was a problem, but she still felt like a mother leaving her child for the first time.  She had to do this though.  She needed to help Ace give this to Marty.
    She had heard and urgency in Ace’s voice when he spoke about his plan that gave Janice a sick feeling in her stomach.  She had a bad feeling that the reason for this new homestead was something darker than just giving Marty a place to call home.  She hoped not though.
    Janice climbed into her ten year old ford and pulled away from the diner.  It would take her all night to drive to West Virginia and she didn’t want to stop until she got there.  She had a thermos full of coffee and a cooler full of food.  The only thing she didn’t have with her was a toilet.
    She picked up her phone and dialed Ace.  They had talked every day since he hatched this idea and she was starting to miss him when it had been too long between calls.  She wanted to have a reason though so she didn’t seem like a kid chasing a boy so she decided to let him know she was on the road.  He answered on the second ring and she felt herself smile until she heard the strain in his voice.
    “Ace are you alright?”
    “Yeah, I’m fine.  Give me a minute and I’ll call you right back.”
    Janice hear the phone hit the bed, but it didn’t cut off.  She knew she should turn hers off, but she listened.
    “Fuck Candy.  You could take it easy on me this once.”
    Janice heard him grunt and wanted to throw up.  She heard the bed creak and a woman giggle.
    “Oh Ace, you never want me to take it easy on you.”
    She heard him grunt again.
    “Mmmmm now how is that?  Does that feel better baby?”
    “Fuck yes.   Damn it Candy you’re fucking amazing.”
    “Mmhmm I am.”
    Janice couldn’t take anymore.   She turned the phone off and tossed it to the seat beside her.  She was a fool to think Ace felt anything for her.  Just like Tank.  He was off fucking some woman while she made a fool of herself over him.  She wanted to turn the car around, but thought of Marty.  She would do this for Marty, but Ace could think again if he thought this was for him.
    Ace had hated cutting it short with Janice.  He hadn’t wanted her to hear him being a pussy when Candy stuck him with that damned needle.  He hated shots worse than bullets and this one had to stay in while that damned medicine dripped into his veins. 
    Candy wasn’t a nurse, but she
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