go back just so she could kill him herself.
While thoughts of revenge and annoyance at Cameron sustained her, the more immediate concern was her eventual fate. Despite her captor’s threats, she didn’t get the impression he’d actually abuse her, even if he kept threatening to kill or sell her. His smacks on her ass had stung, but given his size and evident strength, he’d obviously held back. Not like some of her previous boyfriends who’d turned violent for less provocation. I honestly don’t think the purple pirate will hurt me. A possibly dumb intuition based on nothing more than gut instinct, which in her case had shown itself as rather unreliable in the past.
I have such a great track record with men. If they’re not out to screw me, they’re fucking around on me, trying to beat me or, in my newest scenario, murdering me. She never put up with any of their shit, of course, but the pain of their betrayals still hurt. Is it so much to ask for a guy who’ll like me for who I am; outspoken, curvy and all?
Maybe she should consider allowing her captor to sell her as a sex slave, an object of value to someone, even if alien. Allow herself to become someone who gave and received sexual pleasure. I’m good at that. I could become a first class courtesan and have my owner shower me with presents, an interesting fantasy for someone else. However, knowing her penchant for giving orders, and stating her mind, it seemed an unlikely scenario in her case.
Alone and in need of something to occupy herself, she hopped up from the chair and prowled the control center, or so she assumed even given the sparse decor. Unlike the Star Trek films and shows she’d watched, there existed a definite lack of cool flashing lights, buttons and levers. Just a lot of blank wall space with faint scribbles, a chair and a big window like screen that showed nothing, not even her reflection.
She leaned against the screen and tried to peer through it, wondering if perhaps it acted as a two way glass.
“Command console locked. Please speak to confirm identity.”
Megan reeled back at the feminine voice that spoke from thin air. When nothing happened and no one appeared, she lightly touched the screen with a finger.
“Command console locked. Please speak to confirm identity.”
This was more like it. A voice activated computer. Cool. “Um, hi, I’m Megan.”
“Invalid voice entry.”
“ So whose voice will work?” Megan spoke aloud, but the computer didn’t reply. Her abductor probably had it keyed for only him.
Foiled in that area, she wandered around touching various panels where she found symbols, some of which caused the computer to relay the same command, some of which did nothing. She also tried to figure out how to open the door to the elevator thing, but ended up kicking the wall in aggravation and stubbing her toes.
Annoyed, she threw herself at the wall with a frustrated yell, pummeling it with her fists. When it suddenly slid open, she stumbled forward into a brick wall with steadying hands.
“Are you done abusing my vessel?” said her purple captor in his low sexy voice.
A shiver skated down her spine and it had nothing to do with fear. Her hands, sprawled across his chest, registered a steady thump, like a heartbeat; of course, it was on the wrong side of his torso and lower, but it still made him seem more human. Awareness of his body and an answering call in her lower tummy stunned her more, though. Attracted to a purple, slave trader with pointed teeth? Am I completely insane?
Realizing he waited for her to speak, she sprang on the first thought that came to mind, other than asking him to remove his shirt so she could inspect him. “I’m bored and hungry,” she complained, pushing back from him. She shot him a mutinous look as she crossed her arms over her chest, mostly to hide her erect nipples that seemed determined to catch his attention.
“ I didn’t realize it was your people’s custom
Richard Burton, Chris Williams