was at her destination. Rikard’s mountains.
Like most dragons, when it came to buying his house, he purchased as much land as he could, including the local foothills into the mountain. She had sensed a tunnel nearby the first time she had been there selling spells, also the time she had first begun to check him out.
The tunnel was aimed at the foothills and she surmised that his horde was somewhere nearby.
The next time she saw Jinx, she asked for a treasure detection spell. It was now working in full swing and had led her through the hills--after she hid her car--and into the caves that housed his accumulation of wealth. His horde.
The enchantment that guarded the opening was nothing for her, she brushed passed it with hardly any effort at all. She slid through a crevice in the stone that was barely large enough for her and stumbled through the tiny passage to the main chamber. The walls of the cavern were polished and smooth; he had expended effort to make his hidden showpiece a masterpiece.
“Holy gods.” She breathed out and had to gasp air back in. His horde was incredible.
Gold, silver, gems, some neatly stacked, some heaped in a pile were every where. Paintings, tapestries, statues and armour made up the other half of his collection. There were weapons of every era mounted on the wall, centuries of history laid out in front of her and all she could do was giggle.
She dropped her back pack and equipment, squealed and rolled on the pile of coins and jewellery. With the icy loot at her back, she scooped up handfuls of the gold coins and trickled them over her body, laughing the whole time. As a dragon, it had been a dream of hers for years to writhe around in gold and silver.
This was the perfect place to hide. With him looking for her out near her home and her mother’s home, he would not think to check his own.
It was three days later when she found the scrolls.
Hidden behind a statue of a dragon that she was guessing was a bust of either himself or a close relative, was a leather sack full of scrolls. Under the sack was a pile of books, but she took to the scrolls first thinking that they might be unknown spells. Instead, it was his genealogy and his biography.
It made for interesting reading, he could trace his lineage back to Sirius and Ki . His line descended from their son Devon and his mate Vinya . It was from Vinya that he got his water-borne talent, as she was a Northern dragon. She had also bequeathed her golden good looks to her son, Viktor who was Rikard’s father. The portrait and description of her was simply beautiful. Vinya had been a sight to behold.
That ancestry would make him close to a thousand years old. He would have seen the exodus of the werewolves and vampires, the endless series of warders coming in for assessment and matchmaking, and a thousand other moments in the history of Realm. It made for absorbing reading and she only stopped poring over the histories to eat and when she nodded off.
Day after day she filled her mind with the tales and exploits of his ancestors. It was only when she stopped to have a break and rub her eyes that she wondered how much time had passed. Her cell battery was on half charge, and she got no signal, but over a week had passed since she had taken refuge here.
She needed to take a shower, badly. She was amazed that she hadn’t passed out from her own stench, come to think of it.
George was just lucky that he wasn’t tracking her by scent, or he would have been in here days ago. Scrub brush and soap in hand.
She knew that there was a pool of water off the main cavern. She had found it on her first tour of the place. It was now time to grab her soap and a towel and to do what needed to be done.
Chapter 6
"Ah, that’s better.” Her voice echoed in the cavern, and she smiled at the only noise she had heard all week. At first she had been straining to hear from Rikard , but after three days, she had