A Spanish Engagement

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Book: A Spanish Engagement Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kathryn Ross
apartment up until now,’ she found herself telling him impulsively. ‘It’s compact and central and was the answer to all my requirements when I purchased it. But since Molly has come into my life I want to look for something with a bit more space myself.’ She smiled at him. ‘Nothing as grand as this, of course, just a little place with amanageable garden where she can play.’ She paused for a moment. ‘That’s providing I get custody, of course.’
    He noticed the sudden shadow that crossed her blue eyes. ‘Molly means a lot to you, doesn’t she?’ he said softly.
    ‘Yes.’ Carrie raised her chin and met his eyes squarely. ‘She means absolutely everything; she is the only family I have left.’
    ‘I can understand that. Family is very important. For instance this estate has been passed down from father to son for generations. As I’m the only son it will all be my responsibility one day, until I pass it on to my children.’
    ‘That feeling of continuity must be very rewarding,’ Carrie murmured.
    ‘In some ways.’ He shrugged. ‘In other ways it can be a pressure.’
    ‘What kind of a pressure?’ she asked curiously.
    Max hesitated for a moment. ‘Well…nearly all my family work in the wine business, my uncles and cousins… So it is extremely important that its success is maintained.’
    ‘Well, I can take one weight off your mind,’ Carrie said promptly. ‘When you employ Images advertising services you won’t be making a mistake.’
    Max laughed. ‘You’re a shrewd businesswoman, do you know that?’
    ‘Of course.’ She nodded. ‘Which is why you should employ my services for your vineyard.’
    A young Spanish woman came out onto the terrace behind them and interrupted to ask in halting English if they would like a drink before lunch.
    ‘A glass of lemonade would be nice,’ Carrie said as Max looked enquiringly over at her.
    ‘Still keeping a clear head for business?’ he asked with a grin as they were left alone again.
    ‘I don’t drink much,’ she said with a shrug. ‘Which is the real reason I hadn’t got around to tasting your wine before yesterday.’
    She looked over at him and met his eyes and there was silence between them for a moment. ‘Why did you tell me yesterday that you’re a lawyer?’ she asked him huskily, needing to know the truth.
    ‘Because I am.’
    She frowned. ‘But I thought you ran this place?’
    ‘I am on the board of directors but I haven’t taken on the full responsibility for the vineyards yet. That won’t happen until my father decides to retire.’
    ‘Oh, I see.’
    ‘Unfortunately my father is in hospital at the moment. He had a mild stroke a few weeks ago. Which means I’ve had to take time out from my own work to step into his shoes for a while.’
    ‘I’m so sorry. How is your father?’
    ‘He’s fine. The doctors say he will make a complete recovery.’
    ‘At least that is a relief for you.’
    Max nodded. ‘Yes, it is. But it’s been a shock. I thought my father was invincible… I thought I’d have a lot more time being independent from the Santos empire. Now I’m not so sure.’
    Their drinks arrived and Max led the way over to the table and pulled out one of the chairs for her. Then he leaned back in his chair and surveyed her steadily.
    ‘Anyway, that’s enough about that boring subject—tell me about you.’
    ‘I told you about me yesterday,’ she said with a rueful smile. ‘In fact, I think I told you far too much. Probably bored you to tears.’
    ‘I can assure you that wasn’t the case,’ Max said with a small smile.
    Something about his smile pulled at her heartstrings. Hastily she looked away. Max was a charmer, and she knew the dangers of falling for one of them. ‘Anyway, I suppose we should get down to business. What did you think about my ideas yesterday?’
    ‘I thought they were good,’ he said truthfully. ‘My father would approve.’
    ‘Will you have to run these ideas past him? Or will
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